"Sayonara" Part 9

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Inside the UA field could be seen a class of kids participating in their field activities. They looked like they where having a lot of fun too. Using their quirks freely, joining with friends, laughing at whatever the other had just said. Regular teen stuff anyone could be doing.

But at the moment, not Y/N.

She waited patiently outside, near a road by a parked car. She leaned against a public bike rack with her suitcase in hand as she shifted her feet up and down in distraction. She wore not the UA school uniform, but her casual clothing and a trench coat to keep from the chilly fall air.

Those who Pass by might see Y/N and think, 'it's a just a normal girl waiting for her ride', but in reality, she was at her saddest she's ever been.

Soon Y/N heard an upcoming pitter patter of feet running towards her. She looked up to see Shota.

A hint of bewilderment was visible as he stopped running, and walked the rest of the way up to his friend.

Y/N greeted Shota with a weak smile, putting down her suitcase to open her arms for a hug, which he unhesitatingly excepted.

The embrace was so tender and warm, but the Ora of sadness between them lingered depressingly as Y/N snuggled her face into the boys chest feeling safe, secure and relief.

Then the tears came. Shota frowned pitifully as he watched Y/N start to weep. He wiped away the escaping water droplets with his thumb, Caressing Y/N's wet cheeks. Her quivering lip somehow forcing itself into a smile. "Here. I got you something." Shota saids, handing over his gift covered in pink wrapping paper.

"For me? Oh my gosh... thank you." Y/N wipes away a tear as she takes the present. She carefully unwrapped it to reveal a bracelet decorated with chibi cats and beads. It looked so shiny and wonderful in Y/N's teary eyes.

"It's amazing. I love it." She breathes with a sob at the end of her sentence. Y/N slipped on the bracelet then put her arms back around Shota. He was relieved she had like his parting gift.

"Gosh you're making me regret this." Y/N admites, sniffling at her tears.

"Don't. If you think this choice is better for yourself, it's the right thing to do. I just hope wherever you go you'll finally be happy."

When Y/N's mother found out about her assault she fell into a fit of rage at UA. Y/N's mother trusted them with her fragile quirk less daughter but was revolted by UA'a students actions. After fighting in court against the harassers, Y/N's mom immediately decided to remove Y/N from that school. At first Y/N was against the idea of course but after some convincing, they decided it was best. Today is Y/N's last day, Minutes before she leaves campus forever. Before she leaves Shota.

"This is mostly my moms idea. Even if I said I didn't want to leave UA she'd still make me leave." Y/N sniffled with a slightly snotty nose.

"We'll see one another again. We can still chat on the phone, go to the cafe, I can even possibly let you-"

"Oh Shota- kun, I'm going very far away. As much as I wish... it's not possible." That only made Y/N tear up more. "But we will see each other again... it's a promise! Bet on it?" Y/N gestured, holding up her hand for a fist pump.

Shota glees a warm smile and balls his hand up to bump it against hers. "Now a pinky promise." Shota complies and locks their pinkies together, sealing a deal.

Shota used this opportunity to pull Y/N forward and clash their lips together into an unexpected kiss. Y/N leaned towards his chest more, standing on her tippy toes to reach the male better. His embracing arms wrapped protectively around his love, her lips quivering for deeper tension.

In that moment it felt like nobody was there in the world but them. Time stopped for them, the world revolves around only the two lovers. When they pulled apart it had felt like an entire planet split in two. Shota and Y/N frowned at the loss of warmth.

Y/N rubbed her fingers around in Shota's arms as the where still wrapped together. "Promise me just one more thing."

"Of course." He whispered.

Y/N backed up a bit to look Shota in his deep dark eyes. "I want you to do your absolute best to try and become a hero. Do it, not to save, not to fight, but because you have a good heart. Show them your more then they expect. Even if you bore no quirk prove to all who can see that it takes heart to be a hero."

Y/N's speech was digging holes into Shota and removing every sense of negativity that ever existed. Her soft words cleansed his empty soul with inspiration.

Shota clenched onto their inclosed hands. "I promise, Y/N." He vowed.

Y/N smiled through her sadness, knowing it was time to go. She picked up her suitcase and walked to the nearby car.

"Remember to tell Shirakumo and Hizashi I said it was nice knowing them."

And just as fast as they met, she was gone as he watched her slide into the seat of the car and peer at him out the window with a tear streaked face. Not knowing when they'd meet again hurt a part of Shota in his chest. Throat dry, eyes stale and skin cold as he stood there, watching the first person he's truly ever loved drift away.

And That's the last time he's ever seen Y/N.

If it weren't for his stupid hormones he would have never fell in love.
No wonder Shota fucking hates love stories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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