"A Kiss" Part 6

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After that day Y/N and Shota where pals. She'd eat with him and his friends at lunch, and he'd visit her in the infirmary. They'd Also go to the cafe during their free time on a regular basis.

Y/N finally felt accepted, included and happy. Shota had fixed that lonely gap inside her.

During lunch period, Y/N accompanied Shota in an empty classroom. He'd come here when he wanted to sleep instead of eating in the lunchroom. This is also where they went to have private conversations away from others.

They found a comfortable spot by the window and set their lunches out to eat.

Shota became more talkative around Y/N, More then he does with other people. He just doesn't want to bore her with his quietness so he'd find ways to spark up a conversation.

"I'm getting a phone soon."

"Really? That's great! We can start texting each other now." Y/N congratulated.

"It's gonna be a pain Keeping up with it though. I'll have to charge it often and be careful not to break it. But it is Necessary item to have."

"If you ever have a difficult time handling it I'm here to help."  Y/N smiled. She picked at some meatballs she had in her lunch box and placed some to Shota's.

Shota exchanged an extra jelly pouch drink he had.

She smiled, triggering the corner of Shota's lips to curl up. Y/N scooted closer to Shota's body and leaned her head into the the crook of his neck. This position caught Shota by surprise but he didn't mind at all. It was comfortable.

Y/N's warmth drawn into Shota like radiation. The squishiness of her body was a pleasant feeling. He wished they had hours to spend just like this.



"... I'm going to try something and I need you to stay still and silent. If you don't like it tell me to stop. Okay?"

Shota was questioning, but gave a worried nod. What exactly is she planning. But Shota fallowed Y/N's instructions, staying still and silent.

She gulped, a nervous sign about what ever she planed to do. Y/N put down her food, scooting closer. She changed her position to sit in front of Shota, placing her shaky hands on the sleeves of his blazer.

Shota watched Y/N with Curious eyes, wondering what she planned to do. But he already had a good idea on what it was.

Her eyes where shut closed as she leaned in to his face, placing a kiss to his lips.

I'm kissing Y/N. I'm kissing Y/N L/N!

The experience was amazing. More amazing then he thought. Her lips where so soft and gentle. The taste of her chapstick was a sweet honey flavor. If it was up to him, he'd skip the rest of his classes just to do this.

Shota wanted to hold her his arms but remembered to not move. He didn't want to startle her. After all, Y/N wasn't the type to make moves or take risks like this. Not even Y/N knew where this boost of confidence came from, but she was grateful for it. 

Their kiss turned into a make out session, tongues colliding, lips pulling against one another for a tug of dominance as the sound of smooching echoed the quiet room. If you listened close enough you could hear their syncing heartbeats.

Y/N began to moving away for a breath, eye lids still bound shut. Shota looked at her breathless face with lust in his eyes. If he was given the chance he'd lean in for more but like a good boy, he stayed still.

This must have been a big step for Y/N to take as a shy person. Making the first move wasn't easy, especially for timid people. Now Shota knows how Y/N feels. This gives him courage to share his feelings too.


"Ah ah ah! Remember, you can't say anything!" She stipulated, putting a finger up too his lips. Y/N's entire body heated up and quivered as she sat back down and continued to stuff her face with food.

Shota smiled and let out a breath. He presumed to do the same as they ate in beautiful silence.

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