"Rumors" Part 1

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It was finally Shota's favorite subject for the day. Lunch. He was able to do anything during these 30 minutes of freedom.

He could find an abandoned classroom to  sleep in, eat some udon, or best of all, even go to sleep. Yeah he didn't have many options.

What can I say? I like sleep better then life, He thought.

But today would be different. This morning he skipped breakfast because he was in such a rush, so he was starving. His precious nap time would have to wait.

The bell rang for lunch, as students began leaving their classroom, headed towards the cafeteria.

"AAAIIIZAWWAA!!" Someone shouted from behind him. Who else could it be other then his loud mouthed friend, Hizashi.

"Who's ready for some lunch!!?" He exclaimed, putting an arm around shota.

With a groan he shot an annoyed look at Hizashi.

"I don't know, but I'm ready for you to stop yelling." Shota rubbed the temple around the side of his face. What a head ache.

"He does have a point" Shirakumo said, completely coming out of no where.
"The teacher's will give you detention if you don't keep it down."

Hizashi giggled, and used his hand to zip his lips shut. Who knows how long the silence will last? 

They finally reached the cafeteria. The room was was full of chatter as students waited in line to get their food.

Shota was starting to have second thoughts, but they where already there. Besides, his empty stomach would't let him leave. He'd have to endure only a few minutes of being social.

The three got their food and sat at their table, but before Shota could dig in he noticed he forgot his pouch drink.

He scooted out his chair and headed to the vending machine. Reaching in his pocket, Shota grabbed out some change.

He started counting to make sure he had all of it there, but wasn't watching where he was going when he abruptly bumped into someone. They jolted back violently, dropping their lunch tray to the floor, while he dropped some coins.

"Dammit." he mumbled. Shota sighed and got on his knees in search of a Quarter.

"I'm am so sorry! I should have looked where I was going! I'm sorry, I'll help you."

Taken a back, Shota looked at the apologetic person ahead of him. He recognized her a bit. It was Y/N L/N from the health care department. She was also down on the floor scrambling for her fallen food and his lost change.

He felt guilty because he wasn't exactly watching where he was going either.

Usually Shota expected a "watch where you're going" rude person, but she was nice about it.

"Oh I can't find it. Umm" she started digging into her own purse. "Would you accept this?" She offered Shota a dollar bill. More then he had to begin with. 

He looked at money, then at her.

She was completely over reacting. For some reason he couldn't help but find this oddly... cute.

Shota let out a small chuckle and held a hand up.

"It's not that big of a deal. Don't fret over something like this-" he then saw the shiny quarter on the floor, directly below Y/N where she crouched, but Since she was in a crouching position, he could just nearly see her underwear.

Shota quickly looked away, his cheeks feeling warm with blush.

"It's, um... below your, um..." he pointed downward.

Y/N was confused at first but then looked at the direction he was pointing.

"Oh! Here you go sorry!" She said.

As she grabbed the coin, Shota picked up the remaining pieces of her lunch.

They exchanged and she gave a gleeful smile, bowing after her hundredth time saying 'thank you' then departed there separate ways.

Shota finally got his jelly drink and sat back down with his friends.

Before he could finally eat, Hizashi leaned towards Shota with a mischievous grin. What was he on about now?

"No you can't have any. Get your own." Shota grumbled.

Hizashi laughed as if something were funny.

"No not that. So uh... what were you and Y/N talking about earlier, huh?" He asked nudging Shota on the shoulder.

He scowled.
"Just because I talk to a girl you think we have some kind of romantic relationship? Let me eat."

"This Dufus is referring to the rumors."
Shirakumo pointed out.
"People say she's a- um... how do I say this?..."

"A slut." Hizashi answered.

"Yea that."

Shota stoped eating and looked at his friends appalled.
Her? A slut? Out of all the people here especially Kayama (midnight) why was Y/N labeled one? How come he'd never Hurd the rumors till now? Maybe it's because he doesn't talk to people much.

Shota just scoffed.
"Why do you nitwits believe everything you hear? She doesn't even seem the type of person."

"Well they claim she's slept around with multiple students. Some say they even have nudes of her."

"Nevertheless Shota's got a point. You should't believe everything you hear. Especially something dirty like that. What if it's not true?"
Shirakumo stuffs his face with a rice ball.

"Besides, she's like a nice girl. She doesn't really seem the type to do something like that.

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