more than family(Rui x demon reader)

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No one's pov

"Help!" You screamed tripping over your own foot and falling down the small hill on the mountain.
You were being chased by a small group of demon slayers trying to kill you.

Standing up from your fall, you started to run again. The cuts and scrapes you got started to heal slowly.

You could hear your heart pounding in your chest, the noise of pounding blood in your ears, mixing with your pants of effort, as you run for your life.

Dogging trees while running down the mountain barely giving yourself time to regain your balance.

"Stop trying to kill me, you bastards!" You yelled back towards the demon slayers chasing you.

"Why are you guys so fucking per-*pant*-sistant!" You yelled glancing back for a split second then running into something, falling back.

Looking back up to see what you ran into, you saw one of the many demon slayers that we're chasing you looking down at your cowering form with a sadistic smile plastered on his face.

Despite you being scared shitless you put on and angry front almost everything you were saying was sarcastic. Standing up and frantically looking for an exit you saw you were surrounded by them. 'Well there's no way in getting out alive, might as well take a few out with me~' you thought to yourself rushing at a demon slayer watering blue, stabbing the side of his neck with your sharp nails.

You pulled your hand out of the man's neck his hand rushed up to it grasping it as he fell to the ground gasping for air, with a horrified look on his face.
Smiling statistically at the young boy below you, you ran out of the people that were surrounding you.

'They always die so quickly' you pouted to yourself puffing out your cheeks as you walked further away. You couldn't see the demon slayers anymore, but you could here them panicking for the younger one who was dying.

Walking around exploring this new environment that you ran into, you noticed that there were spiders everywhere. 'How cute!' You fangirled to yourself while picking up a spider(am I the only one who likes spiders?) And letting it crawl around on your hands.

You could see the little spider start to panic a little. So you set your hand down flat on the ground I'm it could crawl off on its own.

"Bye, buddy" you whisper to the spider as it crawls away from you. Walking further up the mountain you noticed a lot of demon slayer uniforms covered in blood but no actual demon slayers.

'That's odd' you thought to yourself with a raised eyebrow. Looking back down to watch where you step, so you wouldn't step on a spider, you continued walking.

You felt like someone, or something was watching you, but you just brushed it off as paranoia from being almost killed earlier.

'I'm bored!' You whined to yourself in your head, sitting down on the ground. (not on spiders) you could hear something from behind you, so you turned around to look, but you saw nothing.

Turning back around you saw an albino looking demon. He had one of his eyes covered with his silk-like white hair. Red dots with lines in between them were on his pale complexion. He was wherein a white kimono with purple dots and lines. His ribbon that was wrapped around his kimono had a spider web design on it.

"Want to be my sister?" He asked casually like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I'm sorry?" You said thinking you misheard him.
"Want to be my sister?" He said again to you maintaining eye contact with the man.

"Dude, I don't even know your name." You deadpanned at the man. "Rui, im rui,  I have a large family would you like to be in it?" He asked you for the third time.

"Yeah, no thanks, but I'll be a family friend, every family needs a family friend." You said giving Rui a small smile. You saw his eyes widen at your statement, it looked as if he remembered something.

"Your right, what is your name?" He asked calling down again. "I'm l/n y/n, but since we're friends you can call me y/n!" You said happily. "Okay y/n, come with me ill take you to meet the rest of the family." He said turning around and walking away.

You followed him, soon arriving at his large house. He introduced all of his family to you and told them that you were going to be the next-door family friend I guess.

||||||||||3 mouths later||||||||||

Rui had visited you almost every day. To be honest you started to develop a small- okay humongous crush on the spider-like demon. I mean he was just Adorable how couldn't you.

You heard your front door open with a familiar 'click' sound. You glanced at the door to see the said man: Rui shut it. You quickly stood up and ran to the man who was just turning around and jumped on to him wrapping your arms and legs around him.

The man stumbled back a little from the new force of your body colliding with his. He quickly regained his balance and wrapped his arms around you, holding you in place so you didn't fall.

The man chuckled at your clinginess as he set you down on your couch. Sitting down next to you he pulled you onto his lap. You laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso.

"You missed me this much? I just saw you yesterday." He said playfully to you, secretly missing your company too. "That was yesterday... Too long." You said nuzzling your head into his muscular chest.

"I missed you too y/n." He said lightly kissing your head. His action resulted in heat rushing up to your face. You blushed madly.

"Y/n I have to tell you something," Rui said sounding cautious. "Sure, anything." You said looking up at him.
"I-i lo-like you a lot y/n!" He yelled to yourself loudly nervous

"That's a huge relief'' you sighed out relaxing. "w-what?" He asked more confused. "I love you to idiot."

Demon slayer x Reader One-shots And Lemons REQUEST TEMPORARILY CLOSEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant