Hard headed(Inosuke x reader)

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No pov

     Inosuke just had to wake you up from your lovely sleep, in. The. Middle. Of. The. Night. You had insomnia, this was the first time you slept over two hours in three months.

      "Inosuke you idiot! I was seeping why did you want me up?!" You yelled ferociously at the boar masked man, for some odd reason he was quiet though.

He was looking down, the ears of the boar we're flat on the mask. Al.ost as if the man was flustered.

What an odd thing why would the loud, up best, adorable man be flustered, it just wasn't like him.

     Why don't we go back to what happened?

                         !Time skip!

   You were sleeping peacefully. It was a start night so you fell asleep looking at the stars. You had just got done with a mission about slaying a demon,  you were the only one who had gotten hurt on the mission, you had used yourself as a shield protecting inosuke from the demon because he was focusing on arguing with zenitsu.
You had gotten around three broken ribs.

It hurt but you didn't tell anyone it was better no one knew, you didn't want to get babied.

Inosuke, however, was having was not sleeping. He was up staring at the stars wondering why he felt so guilty about you getting hurt for the sake of him not getting hurt. Wondering why he felt happy and nervous every time you were around him. Or why he wanted to show off his fighting skills to you. Or why he didn't yell so much around you maybe it was because he didn't want to annoy you, but why?

Why did this man not want to annoy you? Why could he not figure out his feelings around you?!-why was he so frustrated about this?!

He just couldn't figure out why, and it bothers him, but he just couldn't figure out why. And it frustrated him deeply so deeply that he couldn't sleep. The man that normally fell asleep in less than two seconds just couldn't sleep and it was all because of you.

So what's the most reasonable thing to do? Obviously, its to go crawl over to your sleeping figure(note the sarcasm).

He felt like he was being drawn to your curled form. So what does this lovely man do he hovers over you, watching your face as it gives out slow soft snores. (it's not creepy, you are)

You roll over in your sleep, hitting Inosukes arm, causing him to fall and land on you. "Ugh!" You said the breath was knocked out of your lungs.
"What the fuck!" You yelled groggily because you just woke up to someone trying to squash you to death.

"Get off me! What we're you doing it's the middle of the fucking night, you bastard! I was trying to sleep!" You yelled at whoever was still on top of you. It was a figure full of muscles, and you could feel how tense the person was.

The person who was on top of you quickly got off of you, you saw it was Inosuke.

                     ||the present||

"Inosuke you idiot! I was seeping why did you want me up?!" You yelled ferociously at the boar masked man, for some odd reason he was quiet though.

He was looking down, the ears of the boar we're flat on the mask. Almost as if the man was flustered.

What an odd thing why would the loud, up best, adorable man be flustered, it just wasn't like him.

"Inosuke I want answers now!" You said still yelling at him. "And why do you look so damn flustered?!" You yelled confused at the boar headed man, by now zenitsu and tanjiro we're awake by you yelling at Inosuke.

Little did you know that a demon had heard your yells too, and this demon was hungry on the lookout for food, you happen to sound tasty to the snake-like demon. (Looks like the demon zenitsu killed in the house with the other demons)

The blue-haired demon started to crawl you your booming voice. The demon saw your small group with you yelling at a boar masked man that was half-naked and a yellow/orange-haired and a burgundy haired man looking as though they had just woken up.

'Ugh, lovers ruining everyone else' sleep' the demon thought rolling his baby blue eyes.

"Guys I smell a demon!" Tanjiro said urgently. "And it smells like it's close, really close!" Tanjiro said on the brink of panic because no one was listening to him, we'll zenitsu was it was basically just you and inosuke so focused on each other to be aware of a demon.

The demon saw his chance to strike inosuke since he was flustered and on the ground, he would make an easy kill for the blue-haired demon. He sprinted/ crawled out from the bush moving very fast at inosuke he was around four feet away from the man about to pounce on him.

You had noticed just in time, you jumped in front of inosuke using yourself as a shield. (Let's hope you aren't like Neji) the demon had hit the bottom of your ribs and your shin you felt around three of your ribs crack and you knew your leg was snapped in half.

"Argh!" You grunted in pain. Inosuke caught you before you hit the ground "y/n! Are you alright!?" Inosuke asked worry lacing the man's voice as he looked down at you.

"What are you doing you duffis demons running around go fucking slay it, baka!" You yelled grinding your teeth together to 'help' with the pain.

Inosuke still hasn't moved, you weren't one to lie so you didn't, half of your leg bone was sticking out of your leg. "Oh my fucking God, Inosuke I swear if you don't drop me and kill that fucking demon I will make your life living. hell. That's not a threat. It's. A. Promise." You said in a dark tone.

"No," Inosuke said bluntly to you.
"What did you just s-" you started but we're cut off  "no. Y/n I'm not leaving you your hurt!" He started to yell at you. "I'm not going to lie and tell you I'm okay when I'm not, but killing that demon is more important than my life," you said with a determination plastered on your face, you started to feel light-headed due to blood loss.

                      ||time skip||

You had woken up to a bright light temporally blinding you, your eyes adjusted to the light shining three the window, you knew where you were you were at the butterfly estate.

Remembering that you had passed out in Inosukes arms, you shot up, immense pain shooting threw your ribs and legs, looking down you saw your legs in a makeshift f/c cast and bandages wrapped around your ribs.

Aoi walked into the room and she looked at you offering a small smile. "Inosuke! Everyone! Are they okay!?" You bombarded her with your yelling before she could even close the door.

"They're fine, you were the only one who got hurt." Her soothing voice gave you answers calming your nerves.

Aoi started to leave after re-wrapping your bandages. Inosuke barged in the room as she was going to open the door to the room. "Y/n! We have a lot to talk about!" Inosuke yelled in a serious tone pointing at you. Aoi left shouting the door. Inosuke walked towards your bed grabbing a chair along the way and sitting next to you.

"Y/n never do that again, never say your life is less than a demons death! You are more special than that, damn it!" Inosuke yelled at you. You were shocked that inosuke would yell at you in a kindish way. "Inosuke, what do you mean-" you started "I love you y/n!" He yelled finally figured out what that feeling was.

"Well good because I love you too! But don't yell at me again got it?!" You yelled back at him.

Amended, 1363 words

Sorry I haven't updated in 2 days!

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