Another fight

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I left running as fast as I could.Tears were going down my face uncontrollably.My heart was beating so fast.I was hurt ,I was bad ,I was so fucked up.
I can't get out of my mind when I took the ring out of my finger.
I can't get out of my mind how hurt Harmon was..
I can't get out of my mind, what I did.

I took a cab and I went to that place.
I wanted to be alone and think.
I am going crazy ,I don't understand what is going on.Why Laila was in danger?Why I had to break up with Harmon?Where Laila is?What is the truth behind all of this fucking plane crash?

When I thought that everything was fine and I was overcoming the accident pain he appeard again and this time in a terrible way.The time passed and I called Arol to pick me up.

"Aria what the hell.What is happening?We all were waiting for you but you didn't came.We were so worried for you ,I have called you so many times.I called Harmon and he said something.It is real Aria?What is happening?Where are you?"-he asked all of these question so angry and worried.

"Arol I'm fine.I am in that place.Come and pick me up.I am waiting."-I said and I hung up without letting him to answer me back.

Now I have to be strong and to not cry in front of Arol otherwise he will understand that something is wrong.

After some time I saw his car coming towards me.He got out of car and came hugging me.I hugged him back so tightly.A hug was what I needed right now.

"Aria come on.Let's go home and tell me everything."-he said as he grabbed my hand on his.

"There is nothing to tell Arol.We broke up and that's all.The contract ends tomorrow and that an advantage."-I said not showing any emotions.

"But why?I thought you two fell for each other.You looked so fine together.And when I talked with Harmon in the phone to ask for you he sounded hurt and so bad.But you, you look like you don't even care."-he said confused.

"Arol this was the best for us.I couldn't continue anymore.And yes I don't even care."-I said like I didn't even care but inside I was dying from all of this.

"Aria something is wrong.What is happening?"-he asked because I think he doubt in me.

"Arol nothing is wrong.It's just we broke up.We aren't the first and not the last that we broke up.Breaking up is a normal thing so let's go home.I need to sleep because I have a lot of work these days."-I said as I went in the car.

"Yes Aria breaking up is normal but is normal when it has a reason for this and not for nothing.When breaking up has no reason then this makes me think that something is wrong."-he said raising an eyebrow.

Ouff Arol.Stop you are making it so hard for me to lie.
I needed to find a reason.Come on Aria find something.Omg I don't know what to say.

"Well Arol ,it's like we fight a lot and we have a lot of disagreement and our relationship wasn't going well and the best thing was to break up."-I lied to him.

Omg how good was I at lying.

"Well the best thing was to talk and not to break up but still I don't belive you Aria.
I know so good you and now I can tell that you are up to something but I am going to give you time to tell me.Don't think that you are saved.Now come on."-Arol said as he opened the car door and got inside.

Why?Why Arol knows me so well.
Anyway my mind was to Laila.I don't know how I am going to wait until 3 days later.

The drive was silent and when we were home I just went straight to my bedroom.
I just laid on the bed so tired and sad.
This day has been the worst.Breaking up with Harmon for no reason was like a nightmare to me.I had to tell my parents that I broke up with Harmon.Oufff why everything in my life was so fucked up.

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