chapter 22 : the story about the ring and adventure

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~1 year later~

me and legolas were in our room to prepare everything for the marriage ...

it took a long time before we got out together but now i'm glad we finally get married and almost everything is arranged .. but then there was a knock on our door and it was haldir and he said your parent want to talk to you and thranduil too ... we asked about what? is it serious? and he said you will see and hear ... we look at each other and nodded and we followed haldir to the hall were my parents and the father of legolas were they waiting for us...and they said there are you and she laughed and said we should discuss things that are very important ... we said okay and where do you want to talk then they said where it's quiet and tooth exchange nodded and she stepped ... okay we said and we followed them to the room of celeborn and galadriel ... and we went inside ... celborn started talking and said I called you urgently because something happened ... and I said what happened? and celeborn told thranduil tell and thranduil nodded and I looked at him and he started telling gollum has escaped from prison and I fear he was captured by our enemy sauron. legolas was in shock and said how did he escape through all that surveillance? thranduil said I do not know. a legolas nodded. and said I can find him? celeborn said no then the enemy knows we're looking. it's too dangerous now.

I said but you've always told me that sauron was dead celborn sighed and said that was for your safety my darling ... I did not want you to be scared or worried. and I said I'm going to die if he inherits my niece? and galadriel said you're a witch self with all the light and powers and yes probably I did ask and you then mom? no I'm not as powerful as you ... your mom was so powerful too and you gave me a special gift that sauron would like to break and that's the fire ... sauron's scared of you I saw it. and I said what do you want me to do? celeborn you did not say anything.legolas said I will go to elrond I said I will go with there. yes that I just wanted to suggest said celeborn.

celeborn said you know the story about the ring? I said yes through the stories I heard during my life. so yes the ring must be destroyed in the mount doom where he was made by sauron in secret and the death of screaming galad and elendil was. and the betrayal of isildur and that caused his death.

legolas smiled and said you know more than i knew ... i said yes that is if your parents have fought that and always chase sauron and hear stories during your life yes then you know a lot after a while ...

legolas said when do you want us to leave? today because there is a council and the one that has the ring will come too ...

so we got ready ... and we left ... and legolas said that's four days traveling from here i said yes ... .

okay then we'll drive fast ...

~ 4 days later ~

after four days of travel, we have to rivendell, achieved that lord elrond was already waiting for you and the other people came to the humans , the dwarves, and aragorn... and aragorn asked, straight to you, peter, where's frodo.. frodo was anywhere around to walk in my royal palace, and aragorn, and disappeared... so we gave him a big hug, and said, with you, I would first like to talk...



i hope you like it...

this for my obsession with legolas and lord of the rings...

i think everyone is that i mean... who can't have a obsession with legolas the elf..and lord of the rings..legolas his blue eyes.. his blond long hair..his body... yeah ... it is a beautiful fanfic...

my elf language comes from websites but also from basque language because tolkien also designed it myself and from basque ... so this is how I do it my own elven language from basque language ... and websites ... I hope you like it ....

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