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Harry: *staring at both of his palms very intensely*

A few minutes later....

Harry: *still staring at his palms very very intensely, a bit confused*

Zayn: *wakes up from his nap and goes to the dining room, sees Harry glaring at his hands*

Harry: had a good nap baby?
*he says not looking up at Zayn, still looking at his hands with a weird expression on his face*

Zayn: what are you looking at haz? are you hurt or smn??

Harry: wHy ┐(͡°ʖ̯͡°)┌?? are my hands empty and NOT FULL of YOUR asscheeks  ???????


Niall: what ASS?? wHAT cheeks?????

Zayn: I'm just gonna go back to sLEEP

Harry: let me fuck you back to sl-


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