Mulai dari awal

Her eyeballs almost fell off their sockets and jaws hung on the floor as she read the clock.


She fired out of the bed, into the closet and then the bathroom. Had a quick shower, did her essentials and came out to the closet. She's on her flow which was why she didn't wake up early and forgot completely to put an alarm.

After applying her lotion, she moisturized her face, concealed, dabbed a little powder, brushed her brows, kohl-ed, applied some bronzer and then a nude lipstick. She went to one of the various closet stands and slid the glass door aside, took out a champagne bat-sleeve maxi gown with white details around the neck then paired it with a black veil, handbag, watch and earrings.

All in all, she's done by eight-thirty and exited her room, walked through the corridor and down the stairs, her wedge heel making thumping sounds as she hurried down.

She came out of the building and was greeted by the blinding sunlight, she put on her shades as she's already in contacts and looked around for her driver.

The compound was exceptionally massive, the driveway elegant and natural, lined up with well-trimmed flowers and shrubs, the roundabout green and earthy in the middle of it.

The security room was at the far end of the building attached to the front wall and to the right and left was both parking spaces.

Ali has a flair for cars although he isn't the only one using them all, she saw her car parked beside one of his BMWs and her face frowned.

Don't blame them, you never mentioned you're coming home yesterday so they won't even remember to come take you to school. Her subconscious whispered and a sigh escaped her lips as she took her phone from her bag to call her driver.

She never had the intention of coming back the day before but she couldn't handle the mudslinging cast on her from her nose-poking aunts and stepsiblings, her mom dragooning her to go home to Jos as her father and elder siblings had been ranting about her never visiting since she got married and that she's forsaken them because she's married to a rich man.

Nonsensical lunatic psychotic out-of-all-reason ideologies of boneheaded morons.

The issue of her going to Jos her mum knows is as good as none, but the reason she left was one more talk from any of those irritating elements who claim they know all and nothing less, shit, even her grandmother was trying to register herself on her red book. She wouldn't want to do something spiteful of her own self that's why she left them quietly.

If she hadn't agreed to come back together with her husband and insisted on a divorce, they'll all be; how can you be so heartless? This guy's apologised, he's sorry for what he did and you're still trying to get divorced from him? It's unislamic. Be patient with him, he's your husband, things like that happen, you're being stubborn that's why he did what he did, go and apologise.

But now that he came and apologised, she's agreed to come home with him, they're all like; that man is very stupid, how can he insult you like that and shamelessly ask you to forgive him? And you did! How irrational is that?! If it's someone else now, you'd have brought hell to earth just for shouting at you but see how you effortlessly agreed to go back after a public humiliation. If someone says something now you'll say you aren't after his money. Can you imagine?

Only she knows how much patience she pulled together to pull through all those toxic idiosyncrasies and before she flipped to a side of her she tries hard to keep stashed away, she kept a great distance between them.

BEING YOURS Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang