Hospital escapees

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Izuku woke up in a hazy state. His memories muddled. Never a good sign. Of course, the only logical thing to ask is:

"What happened?" to whoever is in the room. Instead of an answer he got something hitting his head.

"That's for being so reckless Midoriya." Oh no it was recovery girl. He was about to be murdered.

"Please enlighten me. What exactly did I do wrong again?" Izuku replied.

"Well you fought villains while injured! Your lucky that you were smart about it and still used your 'knifches' as you call them."

"Ah yes. One of my greatest inventions." That resulted in another smack on the head. "Ow. Anyways, how long was I out for?"

"Two days child."

"Woo! New record!" That results in another head smack. "I swear I'm going to get a concussion."

So, after some check-ups Izuku was able to leave for home but first he busted Aizawa out of the hospital.

Climbing his way to the window, he opens it up and helps Aizawa down. Luckily, he was only on the second floor.

"Thank you, problem child."

"Your welcome Dadzawa." Izuku smiled as he led Aizawa towards 'Zashi's car. He was dumb enough to let him hold onto the keys. "Now drive. I'm not that illegal."


"Ok let's hope Shou gets better soon!" Hizashi said. "Now I'm going to drive Izuku home."

Hizashi starts making his way towards the way he parked his car only to find it was gone. Ok what did Izuku do? Could he seriously not wait? Let's just see if Shou saw him. Only when he got to the room, he noticed the window open and Shou gone.

"Dammit Shou! You got Izuku to help you, didn't you?" He asked himself.

Well it was going to be a long walk home.


While Hizashi was sulking and walking home, Izuku and Aizawa were blasting music while driving home.

"I can't wait to see 'Zashi's face when he gets home!" Izuku laughed.

"Oh, it will be priceless!" Aizawa responded with a rare gin on his mummified face.

And it was indeed priceless. He was puffed and looked like he was about to murder them. But he didn't because they had just been though a traumatic experience and didn't want to put them through another. They were cackling like maniacs. Without noticing him noticing it, they got a picture of Hizashi for blackmail.

It was too good to not.

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