Oh yeah, my mum sucks

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The next time Izuku wakes up, everything seems a little clearer. For starters, the light wasn't that bright and everything wasn't loud. It was nice.

Aizawa was also there when he woke up again. Coming out of his sleeping bag like a caterpillar coming out of it's cocoon. Ha ha ha, Aizawa-fly

When asked about how he felt, he simply replied with the truth.

"I feel like I was hit with a building..."

Sadly, he didn't notice the chuckling that came from his homeroom teacher. ~~And if he did he would have never seen the light of day again~~

So yeah, Izuku was recovering pretty well after his near death experience. But like,,, at least once Izuku was hooked up to so many pain killers that he felt like he was going to combust. But eventually, Aizawa had to ask about his parents.

"So, Izuku. How come you don't have anyone written down as your emergency contact? I'd think that your parents would be worried by now. After all, you haven't been home since Tuesday which means that it's been three days." Aizawa said, holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Oh yea... I kinda forgot about that lol." Izuku replied, scratching his head with his recently un-plastered hand. "Well to be blunt, my mother literally sucks. She started picking up 'more' shifts at her workplace so she could support us after my father left. Then she just decides to show up like, once a week until one day, she just stops appearing at home. I'm pretty sure she decided that everything was too much, that me, her child just wasn't worth the time and effort. Luckly, she still pays the bills and the apartment has been paid off for a while now. I still have to scrape together money for food but, It's all right though, I love working at the cat cafe. It's actually where I met one of my first friends, Hitoshi. I'm pretty sure he idolises you too."

"Kid, god, do you ever stop talking? The lifestyle you're currently living is not healthy and your mother should be punished for what she's done. How old were you when she left?"

"Oh, I was about twelve or something. I'm not entirely sure."

"Twelve? Are you serious? Yare yare. (Saiki K taught me how to say 'good grief' in Japanese lol) No child should be left to their own devices that young. You know what? Ima arrest her. Serves her right after all."

Izuku's eyes teared up, someone seriously wanted to arrest his mother? All the other heroes he told didn't believe him. Wiping away some of his tears, he spoke up.

"Where will I stay though? I don't have any other relatives and I doubt anyone would be willing to take me."

Aizawa gave Izuku a fond look, shaking his head slightly.

"I'll need to talk to my partner, but I would be willing to take you."

Izuku's eyes widened as tears started to spill. His lips formed a small, but wobbly smile. Izuku opened his arms, the universal symbol for a hug. Aizawa happily replied by holding the crying mess in his arms.


Shouta left Izuku once his kid cried himself to sleep. Which honestly was adorable. But now, he faced the difficult task of telling Hizashi that he may have adopted a child without him. Sighing to himself, he made his way to the teachers lounge.

When he opened the door, he was met with the loud sounds of his colleagues. He filtered it all out with practiced ease, opting to go straight (This man can't go straight! He's gay!) to his husband.

"'Zashi. I think I emotionally adopted a traumatized child who, coincidently needs a parental figure." Aizawa said.

"Oh Shou! That's great. Who's the little listener? Do I know them? How old are they? When can we adopt them?" Hizashi replied quickly like the over-excitable puppy he was.

"Just shut up for a second 'Zashi and I'll tell you!" Aizawa grumbled before continuing. "It's Midoriya. You know, the kid that was almost murdered in heroics training earlier this week? Yeah, well turns out his mother abandoned him when he was twelve. And! He has no other relatives plus, I doubt that anyone would foster him."

Hizashi took a moment to digest all the information he was told before smiling.

"I think he'll fit right in. I'm sure the cats would love him. Let's also get Naomasa on the case. He'll wrap things up quick."

Shouta looked into his husband's eyes. A small smile tugged at his lips while an almost-there blush dusted his cheeks.

God, he loved that man. But also,

He protecc,

He attacc

But most importantly

He won't give the green bean bacc

Hey I got a discord server


𝗥𝗲-𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝟬𝟭/𝟬𝟱/𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭 𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗲'𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝗿𝘆!

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