Bomberanian explodes broccoli boi, saved by Dadzawa. More at 7

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Izuku had a love hate relationship with life.

Sometimes he loved it, loved hanging out with his friends and hacking the government.

Sometimes he hated it, hated how his mother left and all the scars she left. (Both physically and mentally.

And if he were being completely honest, Izuku just wanted to curl up and die at the moment. Apprehension test, coming in last equals expulsion. It was stupid to stay hung up in it but that was where his focus was.

One tiny mistake could change his life for the worse.

A bitter laugh escaped his lips. He always drew the short straw in life huh? Sometimes Izuku would be more than willing to trade his soul away for a single corn chip. It is what it is after all.

Izuku laughed nervously as he was called up to do the sprints. He could already feel the eyes of Bakugou burning into his back. It was just his luck that he was paired up with him for this event. Izuku prepared himself at the starting line, chanting to himself.

"Do it for the vine, just do it for the vine." His inner mantra yelled.

(We like to ignore the fact that All Might was hiding behind the opposing gym, a bitter expression on his face.)

Obviously, he was mumbling because he heard a faint yell of 'Shut the hell up you stupid Deku!' Sighing, he waited for the starting pistol to sound.

As soon as the whistle sounded, he was off, sprinting as fast as he could. It was only 50 meters so it didn't take him too long to finish. Only about five seconds and he was done. Despite the growling Bakugou was making, he was actually slightly faster than Izuku with a time of four seconds.

The next test they were doing was the endurance run. Basically, just run for as long as you can and don't die. It was simple enough until a classmate- Momo (As he had heard from his other classmates) decided to produce a whole ass motorbike from herself. Nonetheless, Izuku still kept up. Years of running from bullies did wonders to stamina. The test was only called off when Aizawa decided that they weren't going to stop until they collapse.

Some tests that he wasn't the best at (Read: He couldn't cheat the system with) included the following; Seated toe touch, sit-ups and repeated side steps. He wasn't the best, he wasn't the worse.

As for the other tests, they were more hackable. The long jump had a robot that measured distance, so he just walked in its blindspots before appearing at the other end of the sand pit. He also fiddled with the programming a bit, changing the score a slight bit. (And by bit I mean a lot lol) The grip test was measured by a mechanical press. Izuku easily pried off the panels, exposing the wiring before changing the score to infinity.

The final event rolled around and Izuku was nervous. He was coming up with a million different ideas on how to throw the ball far. Afterall, it wasn't like he had Bakuogou's quirk. And how could he compete with Uraraka's score of Infinity?

He couldn't just hack to ball because of the intricate mechanism it was bound to have inside. He couldn't throw it with a power he doesn't have either. Then an idea suddenly hit. Izuku hadn't really used anything he brought with him except his screwdriver and phone. Rummaging through the bag, Izuku found what he was looking for.

It was perfect timing as well. As soon as he found the piece of machinery he needed, he was called up for his go. Izuku smirked as he grabbed the ball from his teacher's hand. He fiddled with the ball for a second before ripping off the back panel of it. Carefully, he attached a small cylinder to it.

Izuku smiled, happy with the results of his makeshift contraption. Grabbing a small remote from his pocket, Izuku lifted the ball up. He chuckled as he pressed the bright red button.

Suddenly, bright orange and red sparks came out the end of the newly attached cylinder. It sped off with a speed faster than bootleg Sonic. Although it seemed impossible, Izuku's grin widened even further than before.

It took a hot minute, but soon enough Aizawa's phone beeped. He flipped it around, showing a score of 42069 meters. Sadly though, only a few people got the reference including the blonde he saved multiple times during the entrance exam.

Some may think that Aizawa's smile was scary but Izuku believed that it was the smile of an Fallen Angel.

"DEKUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" Bakugou howled as he ran towards Izuku. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! HAH?!"

Izuku flinched at the sudden noises, afraid of an attack from him.

"Bakugou." The stern voice of Aizawa began as he wrapped Bakugou in his scarf. "You should know that U.A has a zero discrimination rule. So, I suggest you stop before I expel you."

Well that stopped him. Izuku thought as the form of Bakugou stiffened. He smiled slightly at the shocked look on Baka-gou's face. It was very nice that the teachers actually care for him here, unlike Aldera.

"Bakugou, I expect you not to attack Midoriya if I let you go?" Aizawa asked with a deadpan expression. After receiving a small nod from him, Aizawa let him go. "Good. Now let this be an example for the rest of you. We here at U.A do not condone violence. If you do not wish to be expelled, I hope you learn fast."

Aizawa sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day. It was truly amazing to see a teacher so strict but so tired at the same time. At the very least, it was a wake up call for Bakugou.

Aizawa pulled his phone out from somewhere and displayed a hologram of the results, explaining that it was illogical to announce them one at a time.

Izuku squinted at the display, looking for his name from the bottom up. He was overly surprised when he saw his name sitting at a solid ten. Izuku beamed. He was just so glad that he wasn't being expelled.

Aizawa grinned, turning almost predatory. "Mineta. You are expelled. I expect you to have your things gone from my classroom by the time I get back. If not. Well I'll just let you guess what will happen."

Chatter spilled throughout the class, obviously shocked of the quick dismissal of the grape-haired midget. The sound died down when one brave soul asked; "Wait... Why was it called an apprehension test if we could use our quirks?"

Aizawa's classic 'logical ruse' smile shone through.

"Well, I guess that I should say that there is One Quirkless Among You."

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