Big Bird is ded

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They didn't know their quirks.

That's what Izuku thought when he felt the familiar tongue wrap around his waist. Although being flung onto the deck of the boat wasn't very nice, it wasn't in villain infested waters.

Toshi was already on the deck, so was Tsuyu. At least I still have my knifches! Izuku thought .

"They don't know our quirks." Izuku states flatly.

"But what do we do?" Toshi asked.

Izuku didn't reply. He opted to go to the steering room, ripping off the control panel. He basically hot wired the boat. So they nyoomed across the surface of the water onto the plaza shore.

Aizawa... oh no...

"Imma teach big bird a lesson!" Izuku said running despite the pain in his leg. He jumped, sticking the knifes out the bottom of the crutches. He got almost a direct hit on the big bird's brain. This thing wasn't human. Or wasn't anymore. It was just a husk.

So after a few seconds of a mini existential crisis he realised that he had in fact killed it. "Sksksksk and I oop!" Izuku said.

This got patty cake mad. "What! No fair we have a cheater! That was supposed to kill All Might!" He stated, scratching his neck. "Kurogiri! Get him."

Ah so Kurogiri was mr mist's name. "Of course Shigaraki." Mis-Kurogiri replied.

And Shigaraki was patty cake's name. Welp at least Tsuyu and Hitoshi were getting Aizawa-Sensei out of the centre. Izuku was about to take off when he face planted into a portal. The other end of said portal was above the other. So he was stuck in this infinite loop that could only end in pain.

"Kinky." Izuku said. But he shouldn't of said that. He was flung into the stairs. Jeez it was like they were trying to kill him...

Oh wait they totally were.

Izuku's eyes darkened. His breath hitched. Everything was in pain. It felt like All Might's training simulation all over again. Then the front doors flew right open. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

All he had to do was get to the top of the stairs and he would be safe. Sadly his beautiful knifches had been discarded when he fell into that portal so he had to do it solo. Basically he crawled up the stairs.

At least everyone else is safe.

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