Izuku becomes a vent gremlin

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Soon enough, Internship week started. And boy, was Izuku excited. He waved goodbye to Mei and gave Hitoshi a quick kiss before leaving to Nezu's office. He practically skipped towards the room, waiting for the sweet tea that Nezu always provided for him

The door opened for him so Izuku let himself in. Plopping himself on the chair, Izuku waited for the principal to start the lesson.

Suddenly, the vent cover in the office burst open, revealing Nezu in all his tea sipping glory.

"Ah," Nezu started. "Welcome Izuku! As you can see, I've been having some vent adventures and I would like you to join me!"

Izuku smiled before following the principal into the vents.

"Now Izuku, have you ever been vent crawling before?" Nezu asked

"I have tried it before," Izuku admitted. "But I wasn't formally trained, so I never really had the best of luck with it."

Izuku frowned while following the bear-like creature through the vent. They took lots of twists and turns, going on some wild adventure while Nezu explained the basics of vent crawling. And despite this all, he was having a lot of fun!

Izuku smiled as they neared their destination... The teacher's lounge.

Both Nezu and Izuku grinned as they reached the vent cover. Izuku unscrewing it with a screwdriver he had for plot convenience. At first not many people noticed the vent cover fall to the ground, too busy doing their paperwork. Papa was always one to ignore the little things.

So Izuku and Nezu waited for him to appear near the vent.

Within no time he was positioned perfectly. Izuku gave a quick signal to Nezu before jumping out of the vent...

Landing straight onto his unsuspecting victim. Papa gave out a loud quirk-induced sceam, causing all the people in the room to cover their ears in surprise. Izuku's dad wasn't here so they just had to put up with it. He was glad that he had the hindsight to grab his noise canceling headphones.

Izuku grinned at all the annoyed groans the rest of the staff let out.


"Say, Izuku." Nezu began. "What do you think of your classmate's choices for their internships?"

"Well, Nezu." Izuku replied, sipping the tea Nezu gave him. "Most of them had good ideas. Like Tsu and Uraraka. Tsu chose an aquatic hero to help train her while Uraraka chose GunHead who focuses a lot on hand to hand. Something which she needed to work on. Some people though, worry me. Like Momo, who chose Uwabami. For someone who needs to work on combat and making split decisions, Momo will get none of that. Uwabami just does too much on advertising."

Izuku paused, taking a sip of tea.

"The one who really makes me anxious is Iida. As you know, his brother got paralised by the Hero Killer Stain. I would imagine that he would be very emotionally unstable right now as his brother was a huge inspiration for him. And, when I was handing in my internship choice, I saw Iida hand in his too. He chose Manual. Someone who has no benefit as a teacher for him. The only reason I see him choosing Manual is because he is based in Hosu. The same palace where his brother was injured. Something tells me he's out for revenge. So, someone needs to keep an eye on him."

"Hmm, yes that was exactly what I was thinking Izuku." Nezu said grimly. "I was thinking of sending Aizawa to watch over him but then he got Shinsou as his intern. So, instead how about we trail him? At least if you engage in battle you won't be charged as a vigilante because of your quirkless status."

Nezu paused for a second, realising something.

"Oh, and your little friend in the support department did a little costume redesign. Said that it didn't have enough of her babies."

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