I didn't realize how hungry I was.

I take a bite and think of my answer.

"I like to read poetry books mostly, however, I will read anything I can get my hands," I say as he eats his food slowly and takes in every word.

"What's your favorite poem? I like this one poem by Emily Dickinson, 'Hope' is a thing with feathers. I think that's what it's called." He says, I almost drop my fork.

She is my favorite poet of all time.

"That's one of my favorite poems in the whole world! I have it memorized."

"No you don't," He claims.

"Hope is the thing with feathers /that perches in the soul/ And sings the tune without the words/ and never stops at all," I start and he laughs before taking another bite.

"Please continue,, I like the sound of your voice." I look up from my food mid-bite and blush.

I've never had anyone compliment my voice before.

"I would continue, but I don't want to waste our lunch hour." I smile, "Plus I want to know who your favorite author is. Probably someone pretentious, like Thoreau." I raise an eyebrow. He chuckles.

"Not at all! His writing makes me want to fall asleep. I haven't touched his work ever since I stopped taking advanced English. My favorite author is Jules Verne." I nod. I have heard of him, not one of my favorites, but his books are nice.

"Hmmm... His work is alright. Of his novels, I like his book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." I say taking another bite of my food. I look down and I'm almost done.

"I see, that suits you," he says. I look at his plate, he's already done.

I should hurry and finish, but I don't want to leave.

I continue to eat while he tells me what other books he likes.

"I see," I respond while finishing my food. Namjoon calls for the waiter to bring him the bill. He takes it with a silent nod and I reach down to grab my purse.

"What are you doing?" he asks. I continue searching for my purse.

"I'm trying to find my wallet," I grunt, digging at the bottom of my purse.

"No need." Namjoon hands the waiter his card. "Already paid for." The waiter takes his card and leaves to the back of the restaurant.

"You didn't have to do that." I frown.

"No, I had to. I owe you for leaving early last time." He smiles. "Ready to go?"

Not really.

"Yeah." I breathe out.

We walk out of the restaurant and stop at the sidewalk connected to the alley.

"Frowning, are we? What, don't want to go back to work?" He asks.

"Actually no, lots of tedious things to do today." I sigh and look at Namjoon.

"Come with me then, we can go somewhere fun." He looks down at me and winks. I feel my cheeks heat up again. I mask my bashfulness with a chuckle.

"That sounds tempting, Namjoon. Unfortunately, I can't, no matter how much I want to." I answer with a sigh.

"What a shame. I enjoyed eating with you, Y/N. Shall we make our meals a recurrence? Say, once a week? If you don't mind?"

"Of course, no problem at all! I enjoyed our time together as well."

"I'll see you next week Y/N."

"Looking forward to it Namjoon."


Namjoon and I leave in opposite directions. As I start to walk toward my car I see Mr. Kim walking down the street.

Where is he going?

I keep walking further and further from the restaurant.

I can't find him.

I keep walking in the direction I saw him last.

I want to talk to him. Maybe I'll reject him over a quick cup of coffee? Two birds with one stone.

I nod my head and continue to walk a little faster.

These heels are killing me right now.

He's now two blocks ahead of me.

"Mr.Kim!," I try to yell, but he can't hear me."Mr.Kim!" I repeat, but still nothing.

What is he doing? He isn't that far away. I know he can hear me! Is he ignoring me or something?

I slow down a little to try and ease the aching in my feet. Mr.Kim stops walking and picks up his phone, he stares at it for a second.

This is my chance to catch up.

I run in an attempt to catch up with him. However, he turns another corner. When I reach the corner I see that it's another alley. I stop outside the alley once I see that he is talking on the phone with someone. Then, I get a good look at his face. His eyes look droopy and dark underneath. As the phone call continues, his face twists in sadness with a bit of anger. That's when I hear it.

"Dad listen," he takes a deep breath, "I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be upset and would want to help. I can't have you injuring yourself again, I'll handle this by myself. I didn't want you to find out your best friend betrayed us." I freeze.

His father? His best friend? A betrayal?

"Dad, it's not your problem anymore, it's mine. I'll get the laundromat back, I promise. I swear I will." He says as he brushes his hand through his messy black hair.

He's trying to save the laundromat for his father?

"I just... don't want you to worry about it. Okay?" With his last sigh, he hangs up the phone. Once I am pulled back into reality, I realize my face is a little wet.


I wipe off my face and look back at Mr. Kim as he stares at the ground. He growls lowly and kicks the nearest trash can. (Jaebum style... if you know you know XD).


He squats and puts his hands in between his knees as he hangs his head low. He reaches up and aggressively ruffles his hair.

Damn...I can't turn him down, not after this. I need to help him.

He sighs and gets up. Turning around to leave the alley, he spots me and stops.

"Mr.Kim?" I approach.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" he screams and stumbles back a bit. A puzzled look crosses his face

"Ms. Y/L/N, is that you?" He calls.

"Did you hear all of that?" He chuckles sadly and turns away from me.

"I'll do it, I'll help you."

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