nine o'clock

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kaitlyn's pov

if yesterday wasn't the worst date ever then i don't know what was.

cody arrived thirty minutes late and made me pay again. i know he didn't mean to upset me but he did.

i don't want to tell the boys or they'll hate him even more. i really want them to like cody because i like cody. i just don't know. maybe i shouldn't tell others what goes on inside my relationship.

my brother, bryce, and josh have left for the weekend and it's just kio, anthony, jaden, and i.

kio and i are cleaning the kitchen while anthony yells at gamers in the gaming room. god only knows where jaden is.

"kio, is it me or are you and i the only neat freaks inside this house?" i disgustedly look inside the refrigerator.

"living with these guys has taught me that i'm most definitely straight and not into guys. i mean, how can somebody live with a messy guy like these baboons for the rest of their life?" he rants.

"touché to that one. except i'm straight but i swear if cody is like this." i squeeze my eyes shut trying not to imagine what cody's house may look like.

"you haven't been to his house?"

"nope. griffin won't let me since he lives alone." i mention.

"i would let you go over there. just don't tell jaden or anthony." kio winks at me.

i finally realize what he means.

"oh god no. i'm not that type. i'm not into sexual things yet. i'm new to this whole dating bullshit." i chuckle.

"not for long. wait until you fall in love with that boy. it's all you'll ever want to do." he babbles.

"hopefully not. i'm taking griffin's advice. i want to lose my virginity to somebody who i love and care about." i smile at the thought of actually loving somebody.

"do you love him?" he asks me.

"is it bad that i don't? i've been with him for almost three months and we still haven't said the 'l' word. i don't think i love him." i shrug.

"give it time. maybe it's too soon for you. it's different for everybody." he pep talks me.

"thanks, papa kio. i just don't know." i debate on whether or not i should tell him that he was late for our date yesterday and made me pay again.

"you alright? you can talk to me about anything, kait." he assures me.

"i know i know. i'm just confused on our whole relationship. maybe i'll invite him over for a date night if that's okay with you?" i ask politely.

"fine by me. you guys can have the movie theater all to yourselves. order pizza and make popcorn if you'd like. let me know if you need money." kio smiles at me being the dad i never had.

"you're truly the best. we need to hang out more often. talking to you is easier than talking to the rest of the guys. you're so much more.." i trail off.

"understanding? supportive? respectful?" he finishes my sentence for me.

"right. you found the right words." i giggle.

"i always do. go get changed into something cute and invite that handsome blonde hunk over here." he shoos me off and away.

"you're the best!" i shout running up the stairs.


cody and i are sprawled out in the gaming room playing some games before our movie when jaden walks in.

"i thought griffin said no boys this weekend." jaden points at cody with a sprite in his hand.

"kio said it was okay and we're not doing anything bad." i give jaden a dirty look.

"you're going behind griffin's back after he told you not to do something." he stares me down.

"what do you care?" i roll my eyes.

"you're right, i don't." he says coldly.

"then leave." i chuckle with pure annoyance.

"if he's not gone by nine o'clock i'm telling your brother." he threatens.

"whatever. i'm not scared." i mean what i say.

"you should be." he walks out of the room.

"i'm not though!" i shout.

"nine o'clock, kaitlyn." he shouts back.

"let's get this movie started before mister grumpy pants kills us." i giggle.

"i'll make the popcorn!" he excitedly jumps up from the gaming couch.

"i'll order the pizza." i hear kio shout.

"i'll order the pizza and i'll pick the movie, grab blankets, and get drinks." i confirm with him what the tasks are.

"meet you downstairs, beautiful." he winks and i blush.


cody and i cuddle and make out the entire movie. i couldn't even tell you what happened during the movie. i was so focused on him.

"we always have such great dates." i look up at him.

"always." he puts his arm around me.

"it's almost nine." i frown.

"yeah, your friend jaden really hates me for some reason." he gets up from the couch.

"he's just going through some personal stuff. i'll talk to him." i lie.

"i just don't like him." he admits.

"that's a first. usually everybody likes jaden." i chuckle not realizing what he means.

"i don't like him at all. him being around you and the way he acts around you is just not okay. promise me you'll stay away from that guy?" he sternly says.

"yeah of course." i lie again.

"good otherwise there will be problems." he helps me up off the couch.

"get home safe." i awkwardly say.

"thank you." he says in a smallish manner as well before walking upstairs.

i stand there for a second and just think to myself. i gather enough strength to walk upstairs and gain enough courage to talk to jaden about the shit that happened at nessa's party and about his behavior towards cody and i and cody's behavior towards him.

i get halfway up the stairs.

"we need to talk." jaden says from the top of the stairs already beating me to it.


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