things just got spicy

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kaitlyn's pov

i decide on blending in with all of the party goers. i take a seat between two random blonde girls. i watch as all of these crazy teens smoke marijuana and drink alcohol.

things start to get out of control so i go to get up when all of a sudden i am being carried over somebody's shoulder.

"put me down!" i kick and scream.

"relax, kait. it's me." jaden laughs.

"why'd you do that?" i punch his arm and then cross my arms in anger.

"you shouldn't be around that stuff. you're too innocent for that sort of thing." he scolds.

"i'm innocent? yeah right." i roll my eyes.

"you're the sister of griffin johnson." he points out.

"so? he doesn't need to know! come on. just let me smoke one little blunt." i whine.

"one blunt and you'd be gone." he shakes his head at me.

"but you've been smoking since you were my age." i furrow my eyebrows at him.

"and i'm also not griffin johnson's little sister." he bops my nose and smiles like he always does.

"i'm tired of being treated like a little kid. my brother never lets me do anything. even his friends protect me and it's so annoying!" i complain.

"that's what we do, katie. we care about you. you're like a little sister to all of us." he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"you're just as annoying." i admit.

"i know but it's only because i love you." he coos at me.

"i just want to try new things, jay. i want to figure things out for myself. i want to learn from my own mistakes and not have my brother bail me out and protect me from the whole world. i need to be independent. i need to be on my own sometimes. i'm a woman. i can protect myself. i don't need a man to do that for me." i rant to jaden as he listens.

"i understand. if you really want me to then maybe i could try talking to him about backing off. i didn't know you felt this way and i doubt he knows that you feel this way too. it's all up to you though. i won't say anything if you don't want me to." he assures me.

"it would mean a lot if you did talk to him. he never listens to me. he'll listen to you because you're one of his best friends." i begin to walk towards the stairs.

"where are you going? i thought you wanted to party?" he crosses his arms.

"i left brielle on the roof." i start to run upstairs.

"so you were spying on us?" shouts jaden.

"whatever helps you sleep at night." i shout back as i reach the top of the stairs.

i get back onto the roof and brielle is just chilling on her face watching a netflix movie.

"i'm back." i tiredly say as i get onto the room out of breath.

"what took you so long and why are you so tired? girl, you need to go to the gym." she jokes.

"one word. jaden." i roll my eyes.

"your best friend? why are you so annoyed?" she puts her netflix movie on pause and faces me.

"griffin and him are too controlling over me. i want to do 'adult' things but i'm apparently not allowed to just because i'm griffin's little sister and apparently i'm too fragile and too innocent." i sit down on the roof angrily.

"rebel against them. who cares? what will they do? nothing! they aren't your mom. just be a rebel, like me." she encourages.

"you're right, bri. i'm just going to do my own thing. i don't need anybody's approval. it's my life." i agree with her completely.

"hey, losers. we're going to jump off the roof and land in the pool so uh move." bryce comes onto the roof and tells us to scram.

"let's go." she rolls her eyes.

"of course they would never include me." i grab my drink and storm off of the roof and bump into anthony.

"hey hey hey. what's wrong?" he stops me.

"i don't know anymore." i shake my head before climbing down the ladder to go back into the house.

"ass holes." brielle mutters.

"wanna go do something crazy?" i bite my lip.

"are you thinking what i'm thinking?" she jumps up and down while clapping her hands.

"hell yeah. let's do this!"


sick and tired | jaden hossler Where stories live. Discover now