too pussy to deal with confrontation

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kaitlyn's pov

things have been sparking up between cody and i. i've finally convinced griffin that he's a good guy. he won't discuss what happened in the past but i'm sure it wasn't too much of a big deal.

cody and i are upstairs in my room. i'm on my bed while he's on my floor playing with my dog.

"katie, we're going to the beach in ten minutes for nessa's birthday party. get ready." jaden comes by my room.

"why do we have to come?" cody asks him suspiciously.

"are you mad? leaving kaitlyn alone with a boy that griffin doesn't even trust? come on." jaden turns around.

"ass hole." cody mutters to me and i laugh.

"i'll be back. i'm going to change into my bikini. do you have anything to wear?" i say sweetly.

"nah, i'll be okay. i can just sit on the beach and watch you have fun." he gives me a thumbs up.

"meet me downstairs?" i grab my stuff and he nods.

after i get changed, i hear the loud voices of the guys echoing from the foyer. i take a look over the banister and see jaden and bryce deep in a conversation in the corner while josh, anthony, griffin, and cody are laughing by the front door at some video on griffin's phone.

"are we still going or are you all too busy to celebrate ness' birthday with her?" i skip down the stairs and into the foyer.

"well, somebody was taking too long so we decided to keep ourselves busy for the time being." griffin rolls his eyes at me.

"let's go." i cross my arms at him.

once we got to the beach, i lay down my towel and take off my clear cardigan with blue and red flowers.

"sit on my towel so that you don't get sand in your shorts." i motion for cody to sit on my towel.

"i could use a tan." he chuckles.

"dido!" i agree.

"go have fun. don't worry about me." cody smiles up at me.

"oh alright-," i get caught off by somebody picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder, "i swear if you throw me in the water!." i threaten.

"what're you gonna do? tell your brother on me?" jaden teases.

"i'm warning you, hossler! put me down." i pound on his back.

"too late." he says before throwing me into the ocean water.

"jaden... you fucking... ass hole." i come up from under the water trying to catch my breath.

"you should've seen your face." he almost cries of laughter.

i splash water at him angrily and it becomes into a full on splash fight. i could taste the salty water inside my mouth but it doesn't matter because i'm having fun.

i jump onto jaden's back and try to dunk him in the water with me on top but he's too smart. he throws me over his shoulder and into the water. i swim up and catch my breath before jumping back on his back.

"jaden, what are you doing here?" i hear a familiar feminine voice ask.

"i live here?" he furrows his eyebrows with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"i'm talking about nessa's birthday party. it's today. it's at this beach. didn't josh tell you?" mads explains to him as if he's an idiot.

"i'm best friends with josh who's best friends with her and dated her. i'm sure i would know, mads." he laughs in a sarcastic kind of way.

"didn't think you'd come." she crosses her arms and stares ahead.

"again, i'm over you. there's no reason why we can't be in the same place at the same time." he puts me down from his back.

"are you two finally dating?" she stares me up and down with pure jealousy inside of her voice.

"i have a boyfriend." i quietly speak before walking away towards where cody is.

"who the hell-." i hear jaden from behind me.

"oh great brielle and paisley are here." i say to cody who's laying on my towel taking in the hot sun.

"hey, girl! we just saw nessa. she saw mads talking to you and got worried. is everything okay?" bri asks me with paisley right behind her.

"she's being her usual bitchy self. pay no mind to her. jaden can deal with that." i admit looking back to where jaden and mads are fighting.

"he hates her. it's so obvious. i have so much tea on their relationship." paisley smiles to herself with contentment.

"care to share?" bri turns towards her.

"she cheated on him multiple times and is extremely toxic. doesn't like when he talks or hangs out with any other females that aren't her, her sister, or nessa." paisley puts her hands on her hips.

"so she's the jealous type?" cody sits up from the towel.

"obviously. she hates kaitlyn. she's never been nice to her." bri explains to him.

"pay no mind to her. she's a nobody, katie." he grabs my hand softly.

"i'm two steps ahead of you. she's got nothing on me. she's just some stupid tiktok thot." i chuckle.

"who's a stupid tiktok thot?" i hear mads ask from behind me.

i look over to bri and paisley who have panic written all over their faces.

"we were talking about danielle cohn." cody sticks up for me.

"bullshit. i saw you all looking over towards me when you were talking. watch your back, johnson. i know where you live. you're fucking with the wrong girl." mads threatens me and i just roll my eyes.

"what are you going to do? hit her? pathetic. wouldn't wanna start drama at your best friend's birthday party." paisley steps in.

"stay out of this. who even are you?" she gives her a dirty look.

"i'm paisley, bitch. if you ever talk to kaitlyn like that again then i will make sure i rip your nose piercing out of your nose so hard that you'll need surgery." she threatens.

"i'm not scared of you." she huffs.

"you should be." i push past her angrily.

"do you want me to fight you right now?" she shouts as i walk away.

"how about getting a life?" i shout back and throw my middle finger up at her.

"aww somebody's gonna run to their brother because they're too pussy to deal with confrontation." mads yells while chuckling.

the blood in my body boils. i turn around without hesitation and start walking back towards her.



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