"Oh that's good" one of the other producers said. "Yeah I like that"

"Wel thank you for coming here and sharing your song with us," Ester said. "Thank you for listening," Nini replied.

"See you soon" they say and Nini makes her way to the door to leave the room.

The next conteston's name was Ricky. Ricky Bowen. You know the one.

"I've been preparing for this moment my whole life. I started playing piano at age 3, and guitar at 7. I've been writing songs for 10 years now, but I never really shared them before now. My song is called sorry. I have this close family friend who got into a relationship with this not great guy, and he ended up dumping her, and she was left heart broken. Once she had gotten over the heartbreak she had said to me "he'll be sorry that he left me" and I immediately got inspired to write this song. And I think Taylor would sound amazing on it."

"Hi" Ricky said as he walked into the room. "Hello" they all say in response. "It's so nice to meet you" Taylor said.

"It's a song called Sorry about one of my friend's past relationships" he explains. "I'm so excited to hear it" Taylor says.

He told thing he know she wanted to hear
He's a master puppeteer
She know the words to all the songs he'd ever sung
She even thought her was the one
For years
He loved her just because
He didn't know just who she was
She said
You'll be sorry
That you left me
Cause i'm the best thing
That you aren't ever gonna get again
That you left me
Cause i'm the best thing
That you aren't ever gonna get again

They all clap as they stand up to give him a standing ovation. "That was amazing" "We love a good women empowerment song" "This dude sounds like a douchebag" "This is why gay men are better" they said.

"I love it," Taylor said. "There isn't much that really needs to be changed" Easter. "Yeah maybe a couple minor key and chord changes, but there isn't really anything else I can think that needs to be changed."

"We'll thank you for coming and showing us your song, we'll hopefully see you know soom" they said. Ricky smiled at them, waved them goodbye, and left the room.

After he was done he went to the greenroom to wait there for the other contestants to finish so he can figure out if his song was chosen for the next stage of the competition.

When he walked into the greenroom he was faced with the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Hi I'm Ricky" he said, putting his hand out for her to shake. "Nini," she said, shaking his hand. They held eye contact for a while, while they held their hands together. When they realized how long it had been they quickly dropped their hands and looked down.

"Your song was really good," she said. "Thanks, you heard my song" he asked with a puzzled look appearing on his face. Just as he asked that he heard a faint sound of singing through the walls. "What about a billion sorrys. OHOOHOOHOOHOO."

"Thin walls" she said laughing slightly.

"So you've heard me sing, can I hear you sing" he asked in a sweet voice. "I don't know. I need to rest my voice, just in case they pick my song." she said. The truth was she didn't think she was a very good singer compared to Ricky. "Come on just one little verse. For me. Please" he begged.

Rini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now