The arguments carried on outside for a few minutes followed by a long silence. I was puzzled. . A premonitory chill traced its icy way down my backbone. Did it mean Adam has left? I suppressed my emotions and leaned in closer to the door inorder to hear properly. I wasn't gifted with the ability to hear infrasound sound waves. The peephole was blocked and so was I hope getting down slowly.

The silence was like a poison engulfing the victim steadily. With the flow of every second, which seemed like hours, it was becoming difficult to be able to endure it.

Finally, the old man cried out in shock. "I can't believe my eyes."

I lifted up my head the second his words hit my ears.

"That's it. This big guy with the name James was fooling around with my wife." Adam's anger bursted out, and he banged on the door once more making a announcement loudly. "Amy, your secrets are out. It's better if you surrender yourself. "

My breath quickened and my mind blacked out. All my ideas was on the verge of being terminated. There was no way I could get out of this mess.

"Amy if you don't show yourself, I will call the cops right now."

The unleashed monster within him had escaped and his rage was about to take a violent form. It would be a shame if James had to end up in the custody because of me. I would afford to forgive myself. I didn't want to bring a scratch to his public reputation. Having no other option, I decided to present myself. I was a strong woman and the fight was mine.

I huffed and untied the apron from around my neck. Mustering up the courage, I unlocked the door to meet the monster standing with a wicked smile on his face.

"What did I say?" His gaze turned to the oldster.

I followed his trail of gaze and my eye fell on a man with a fringe of grey-white hair around his balding, mottled scalp. His deep wrinkles seemed to carve a map of his life on his still agile and mobile facial features. His twinkling eyes were framed by thick white eyebrows and on his stubbled chin were white whiskers.

His wrinkled face crumpled as he rubbed it with his spotted hand. Clearly, my sudden appearance was much of a shock to him.

"Who are you? Amy?" He questioned in a demanding voice.

I had no answer to his question. I had no identification here.

"My wife Amy Scott." Adam answered on behalf of me.

"Was that your cell ringing, young lady?"

I nodded my head in agreement and lowered my gaze.

"Do you want to cross check the numbers of James Black and my wife once more? I've enough time to spare."

"James has a lot to explain. I'll take firm actions against the man."

"No please, don't. I take all the blame on my shoulders." I pledged him with my hands folded, expecting him to show some mercy on me.

"Right! Her statement is out. Did you hear?" Grabbing my hand forcefully, he continued, "My wife ran away from her home and is more interested in spending nights with a stranger."

"No, it's a big lie. I told you Adam I wanted a divorce." I tried to wrest my arm from his hold.

"And you had this belief James's house is a court office? He is not a lawyer."

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