Here's the Plan

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"So, what's this 'great idea' you mentioned?" I asked as Spot and I followed Jack down the street towards Pulitzer's print building.

"This," Jack said, shoving a piece of paper into my hands.

"'The Children's Crusade,'" I read aloud. Spot leaned over my shoulder, his lips forming silent words as he read the article. I had to admit, it was very well written.

"Okay," Spot said. "But what are we supposed to do with this? No one will publish it," Jack grinned.

"Actually, someone has so kindly offered up their printing press," he said. Spot gave him a doubtful look.

"And who might that be?"

"Why, none other than Mr. Pulitzer himself,"

(✨time skip whoop whoop✨)

"You bring enough boys to keep us covered?" Jack asked Davey as Spot and I, as well as a few other newsies climbed in through the windows. Davey grinned.

"We could hold a hoe-down down here and no one would be the wiser,"

"Good job," Jack said. Davey reached over and set a hand on his shoulder.

"It's good to have you back again,"

"Shut up," Jack muttered, which was his way of saying "I'm sorry, thanks for forgiving me". Katherine pushed past them, pulling the sheet off of the old printing press.

"Here she is, boys. Just think," she said wistfully. "While my father snores blissfully in his bed, we will be using his very own press to bring him down," Jack looked slightly worried for her mental state.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," he said. I walked over to the printing press.

"Is this what they print papes on?" I asked. It didn't look like much. A big metal thing.

"I can see why they tossed this old girl down in the cellar, but I think she'll do the job," said a voice behind me. I turned to see a cute young man in a pastel yellow suit (who wears a yellow suit on a stealth mission? C'mon dude) standing behind me. Katherine put a hand on his shoulder and led him over to Jack.

"Jack, this is Darcy. He knows just about everything there is to know about printing," she explained. Darcy stuck out his hand.

"You work for one of the papes?" Jack asked, shaking Darcy's hand.

"My father owns the Trib," Darcy said, as if that we're a completely normal thing. Jack looked shook.

"Whoa," he said quietly. I studied Darcy. He was kind of cute, in a rich boy way. Spot nudged me.

"Are you checking him out?" he whispered accusingly. I grinned at him.

"Maybe. Why? You jealous?" I teased. He glared at me and looked away, though I noticed a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. Davey glanced at us questioningly.

"And this is Bill. He'll be typesetting the article for us," Katherine said as a second wealthy looking boy approached Jack. He was slightly more reasonably dressed in a blue suit.

"Bill? So I suppose you're the son of William Randolph Hearst?" Jack said jokingly. Bill grinned and shook Jack's hand repeatedly.

"And proud to be part of your revolution!" Bill finally released Jack's hand, drifting over to stand by Darcy.

"Ain't that somethin'" Jack looked like he was in awe. I guess it was pretty amazing. The children of the three biggest newspaper owners in New York city were teaming up to help us take down their parents.

"In the words of the little one, 'Can we table the palaver and get down to business?'" Katherine said. Davey laughed.

"A little grease and she'll be good as gold!" Darcy said, patting the old printing press. I watched as Darcy and Bill began to work, shedding their jackets and getting their hands dirty. Soon, we had a small stack of papers ready to go. Davey called for our attention.

"Alright, here's how it'll work: as we print the papes, Race," He focused his attention on me. "You'll let the fellas in, and they'll spread them to every working kid in New York. After that...?" Jack stood up next to him.

"After that it's up to them,"

Howdy! Here's chapter 15! I decided to split Once and For All into two, maybe even three chapter, so those will be up hopefully by tomorrow night.

Some highlights of this chapter include: Bill and Darcy (bc they're amazing), Davey giving yet another dramatic speech, some sarcasm from Race's end, Darcy's lovely yellow suit, and a little bit of sprace.

Hope you liked it! Remember to VOTE and COMMENT!

- Peaches

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