Chapter 7: A Long Chapter in Which it Looks Like Everything is About to Go Right

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 We were gathered outside the gates of the distribution center, talking nervously. Davey and Les approached us. Davey pulled Jack aside, a worried look on his face.

"Is anyone else coming?" he asked. Jack shrugged.

"Don't got a clue," he said. I pushed my way into their conversation.

"You'se seen Spot Conlon, right? What'd he say?" I asked. Jack sighed.

"Sure, we seen him,"

"Him and about twenty of his gang," Davey added. That sounded about right. Spot was rarely seen without at least one of his boys.

"And them Brooklyn boys are big," Les said. I looked down at the little kid. Big? Spot Conlon is only 5'4". That ain't 'big'.

"And I gotta say, Spot was very impressed. Wasn't he?" Jack turned to Davey.

"I'd say," he answered. I raised a questioning eyebrow. They clearly weren't telling me everything.

"So they're with us?" I pressed. Davey bit his lip. That was his tell. He always bit his lip when he was nervous.

"That all depends on how you look at it. If you look and see Brooklyn, then they're with us," he says. I groaned. They didn't convince Brooklyn. Which meant we didn't have Midtown either.

"They wanted proof we're not gonna fold at the first sign of trouble," Jack explained. Finch looked at him.

"Are we?" Jack shook his head, a confident look on his face.

"We are not! There's us and Harlem-" Buttons cut Jack off.

"Not so fast, boss. Harlem wants to know what Brooklyn's gonna do," Davey groaned.

"How about Queens?" he asked. Specs stepped up.

"Queens will be right here backing us up-" he started. Jack grinned.

"Ya see?"

"...As soon as they get the nod from Brooklyn," Specs finished. Jack's face fell again. Davey looked at me hopefully.

"I got the same fish-eye in midtown," I admitted. A series of groans went through the crowd. The Delanceys walked by us, pausing to tease us.

"Say, Oscar, looks like we got bum information about a strike here today," Morris said as he cracked his knuckles. "Not that I'm complainin'. My skull busting arm could use a day of rest." They laughed and continued on their way. I glared after them. Next to me, little Les pouted.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Davey put a hand on his little brother's shoulder.

"Sure we are,"

"Maybe we put this off a couple days?" I suggested. The others nodded and muttered in agreement. Davey shook his head.

"No, we can't..." he turned to Jack desperately. "Say something. Tell them if we back off now they will never listen to us again," Jack sighed and turned to face the rest of us.

"We can't back down now. No matter who does or doesn't show. Like it or not, now is when we take a stand," Finch gave him a skeptical look.

"How's about we just don't show for work? That'll send a message," He suggested. Jack shook his head firmly.

"They'll just replace us. They need to see us stand our ground," Jack turned helplessly to Davey as we all gave him doubtful looks. "C'mon, Davey. Tell 'em," Davey took a deep breath, then began to speak.

"Now is the time to seize the day. Stare down the odds and seize the day," he looked each of us in the eyes in turn. "Minute by minute, that's how you win it," He put a hand on Finch's shoulder. "We will find a way," he pulled Albert to his feet. "But let us seize the day," Crutchie hobbled up to us.

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