11th Chapter "Concert"

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Chris's POV

During "Morticians Daughter" almost all the fans pulled out their phones, so the guys and I pulled out ours.

I was staring at my phone for I think a good 10 minutes. When I looked up I saw the fans and the band looking at me. I didn't know what to do I had two options stuck in my head; 1) I go to the hospital and join Rachel for results or 2) I stay here and finish the concert.

I looked out towards the fans and they all had sad expressions on their faces. I looked at Jinxx and he had his head bent downward. I saw his lips moving but I didn't hear anything come out of his mouth; I guess he was praying.

I saw Andy move to the microphone and he said, "From all of ya'll's expressions I take it your following/friends with Bekah. She's part of our family, she's been apart of it even before CC and her started dating. As you can see Jinxx and Jake are praying and CC is staring at us not knowing what to do. He has two choices 1) He can either go to the hospital and join Rach for results or 2) He can stay here and finish the concert. Which should he do, should he go or stay?"

I heard the crowd chanting, they kept chanting "GO" over and over again. I got up, looked at Andy, Jinxx, Ashley, and Jake they all nodded their heads saying that they approve of my decision and the fans decision. I looked at the crowd and they all cheered.

I ran off the stage, then I stopped half way to the exit. I heard Jake talking to the crowd.

Jake's POV

"Thanks guys, I know I'm sorta the quiet one being a guitarist and everything, but I would like to take this time to do something out of the ordinary. Something that I think will help Bekah, Rach, Christian, and Bekah's friends and family right now. I would like for us all to pray. Now I know I'm not a real religious type and some of you aren't either I'm guessing. But if its ok with ya'll and the rest of the band?"

The crowd cheered, "I would take that as a yes, Jake," Ashley said.

So, I asked them to bow their heads, some of them even grabbed the persons hand they were standing next to. I started praying after I saw that.

***couple minutes later***

I was tearing up a little so was the crowd. I looked at Andy and he said to the crowd, "Okay, guys we're gonna take a lil break then we'll be back. Go get ya'll's selves some drinks or something." So we went to the dressing room they had reserved for us. First thing I did was go to the restroom to splash some water on my face.

Ashley's POV

We were in the dressing room just sitting there quietly not saying anything.

I saw Jake come out of the restroom, his face didn't have any of his makeup on it; take it he splashed water on himself. I got up and bear hugged him. He stumbled back a little, I let go of him and walked in the restroom. I called Rach to see how things were going. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey...how are things going?"

"I don't know the doctor hasn't come out to tell me anything. CC is here, he's trying to calm me down a lil while I'm trying to calm him down." She was crying.....I could tell she was crying just by the sound of her voice. I know she was trying to hide it I could tell, it hurts me knowing that she was crying.

"Ok, well stay strong please, Honey, I need you to be strong for Chris. When the concert's over we'll be there ok?"

"Ok, oh and one more thing."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"The girls are here and so are other bands."

"They are?"

"Yeah, I guess they saw the tweet and/or post."

"Ok, well just keep them company."

"I will, love you."

"Love you too." When I hung up the phone, I walked out of the restroom, I was debating on what to tell the guys.

"What is it Ash," asked the one and only problem-written-all-over-your-face-seeing Andy.

"Rach hasn't gotten any results from the doctor. CC is there and so are the girls and other bands."


"Yes, Jinxx, girls as in ya'lls girlfriends."

"Oh, and what other bands are there?"

"I don't know, she didn't say."

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Savior (A CC love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora