10th Chapter "Georgia Part 2"

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A/N: I forgot to mention that Bekah, Rach, CC, Ashley(Ash), Jinxx, Jake, and Andy are all in like late teens early twenties. While the band is the way it is right now. If that makes any sense. The bands girlfriends will come in place soon, not sure when though.

Ashley's POV

When I went inside after checking out Bekah, I found Rach lounging around listening to music. So, I did the best thing ever......I jumped on top of her.

"Ahhh! What the hell Ashley? All you had to do was poke me!" Rachel choked out, catching her breath.

"Sorry, babe. So, I was wondering...do you wanna get out of this stinky bus for the day?" I asked.

"Yes! I would love to, Ashley." She smiled.

"Ok well, go get ready in 30 minutes." She got up from the couch and walked over to the bathroom to get changed.

Rach's POV

I picked out a pair of ripped blue jeans, a Gun's & Roses shirt. and a pair of brown cowgirl boots. Then I brushed and straightened my hair a little, added a little make-up and vaula! I was done. When I walked out from the bus, I see Ashley talking to the guys.

I over hear a little bit of what they're talking about, but not a lot. Because Andy, being the tallest and facing the front of the bus, welcomed me over.

***couples hours later after both dates***

Ashley's POV

When I turned around to see Rachel, I was wondering if she heard us. I hope she didn't or then she would have probably told Bekah, which wouldn't be good. The guys and I were talking about throwing a surprise for Bekah, Rach, Sammi, Juliet, and Ella. I'm pretty sure that Bekah and Rach don't have Sammi, Juliet, or Ella's phone number. But even if they didn't, they would still find a way to contact them. Rach had walked up and had a suspicious look on her face. I looked over at the guys, then looking back at her. Had she really heard the conversation?

"What were you guys talking about?" She hummed, grabbing my hands and playing with them. Damn it, stop teasing me.

"Secret." Andy spoke up, thank god.

"What kind of secret? Are you gay?" She gasped. Andy almost denied when CC covered his mouth.

"Yes, yes he is." CC eyed Andy, and Andy nodded.

"Aw, my little Andy is finally out of the closet! Let's celebrate. We need ballons--"

"Later. Right now, we need to get ready for the show. It's going to start in 2 hours." Jon, the tour manager, walked over and looked at all of us.

She sighed and looked at us all. "Okay. I'll be backstage if you need me." She skipped to the back area of the venue and slowly closed the door.

CC wiped his forehead and sighed. "That was close." CC said in relief.

"That was close?! That was not fucking okay. Now she thinks I'm gay." Andy mumbled.

"Calm down, you're not going to be gay for long anyway." I rolled my eyes.

***1 hour later***

I was backstage tuning my bass when I heard a crash and a scream followed right after it. I ran towards the scream and found Rachel shaking Bekah. I told a technician to get EMT over here right away. She came back running with the EMT's right on her heel. I pried Rach off Bekah so she could be put on a gurney. The EMT's strapped her on and were ready to take her away.

"I'll keep in touch to let you know how things are going," she said and kissed me before they closed the doors.

When I went back to the stage, Andy and CC asked me what was up. So I told them, "The girls went to the hospital with a fan of ours who fainted." They just nodded their heads, the rest of the band knew I was lying to them.

Rach's POV

At the hospital I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. I was thinking if I should call the important people on her phone in her life to let them know what had happened. I take out her phone, typed in the password, and got on her Facebook app(she always leaves herself logged in).

When I was about to type in a status saying what happened to her, I was thinking of how Chris would react if he found out; would he stop playing and run to the hospital or would he just sit there banging on the drums to get his frustration out?

I just tell myself her friends and family need to know what has happened, not the world. I'll just call and text them, but a status would tell them all in an instant, and not one at a time.

I flipped a coin to see which one I should do; heads would be status, tails would be call/text. It landed on heads so I brought myself together to type the status.

It read:

Bekah's in the ER. I don't know what happened to her, waiting for a doctor or a nurse to tell me anything. -Rachel

Right after I sent that, her phone was going off. It turns out a lot of her friends and family were online and I didn't realize it.

I also did the same thing on her Twitter, but more abbreviated so it could fit all in one tweet. Her phone went off even more crazier because the Facebook comments and the Twitter replies were combined.

A/N: So, I would like to thank my friend, HannahGaskarth (go read some of her stories), for helping me out with this chapter.

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