"Uh-huh," was all that she could let out without letting the male know just how terrible she was with crowds. After all, he was a Doeshar, and they were always at these types of events. Her father did his best networking and scheming at these types of events. Massillon was no doubt the same.

"I am aware that you aren't a traditional social butterfly, but I would enjoy your presence and company every much, " the male was choosing his words quite carefully and Issy found herself smiling as it warmed her to realise he cared enough to do so. Again Issy found herself almost basking in his adoration. It was a heady feeling and she was sure that she could very easily become accustomed to it. A dangerous habit to acquire, her subconscious was quick to remind her.

" Hmm... I recall you mentioning something about a double murder, so which another member of your family has cause issue?"

Her face fell despite her best efforts. Issy had hoped that Massillon would forget but he was a Doeshar and it seems nothing escaped their notice. 

"Well Arion, my brother and Doesharee of my House.." Issy paused to make sure Massillon was following and knew whom she was referring to before carrying on, " yes well we kinda got into it tonight at midnight meal."

"Got into it... forgive me, my Lady, but my English is very good but sometimes the idioms escape me," Massillon stated, looking a bit confused.

" Oh sorry Massillon, what I mean is that we had an argument."

" Ahhh, can I know what the argument was about?" Issy broke out into another smile as was becoming commonplace whenever she was dealing with this Doeshar. The male simply had a way of making her feel comfortable and valued even when he was seeking personal information. Even though that note of authority left much to be desired.

"Well, it was about you, " Issy responded.

"My brother is convinced I am much too innocent to be courting a male such as yourself, " she continued. Issy could admit that she could hear the note of anger in her own voice.

After a long pause, she looked earnestly at the screen trying to gauge Massillon's response to her next bit of news.

"Massillon, he know that we were... well you know, intimate on our first official private meeting."  Issy stated in as steady a voice as she could.

"I see..., " was all the male responded. His face betraying nothing.

Massillon took the time to digest that particular tidbit of information. For some reason the fact that her brother knew about that they had had sex was distressing to the female. That fact alone made Massillon uneasy. This courtship was turning out to be far more complex than he had originally planned. It was supposed to help him get over the female, not burrow deeper.

The most bothersome thing about the whole situation was that he was angry now. How dare that male seek to interfere in Massillon's private affairs. It was irrelevant that they involved the  male's blooded sister. It was clear that the male had forgotten his place!

Forcing down much of his outrage, Massillon decided to deal with the matter as best he could without betraying his feelings to the female.

"Do you think of yourself as too innocent for me, little Issy?" Massillon challenged the female.

For her part, she looked rather shocked at the question. Massillon knew that calling her "little" had not helped the situation either.

"I am not innocent child to be coddled. I am sick and tired of everyone treating me as such. But really Massillon, for some reason I expected you to be more understanding. Clearly, I was wrong. Forget I mentioned the situation entirely."

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