Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

"I am serious Samir, we're going back home today." She repeated, i smirk: "Look who missed me like bad." I wink at her.

"Yea, whatever." She says, pouting, and i lean in for a kiss.

Gosh, i missed her so much.

I pulled away almost immediately when i remember that i am at my in law.

My wife hasn't gotten the hint tho, she cup my face, drawing me closer and closer to her, "No babe, not here." I whisper huskily.

"The door is closed tho." She says kissing me, i couldn't resist man, i gave in.

We pulled away.

Few minutes or rather hours of cuddling and talking about random things, we stood up to pray maghrib.

We preform wudhu and prayed together with me leading the Salah.

Once we were done, we said our duas and dhikirs.

"Help me pack my cloths." I couldn't hold it now, i burst out laughing, "Lets wait till tomorrow." I tease with a smirk, "No, no and no my love." She leans in and peck my lips.

"I am beginning to think you have an ultimate reason in going back home." I wink at her, she smack me playfully and bury her face on my chest shyly. "Don't be shy boo, everything is familiar to me." I tease her, she groan hitting her head on my chest, i chuckle; "Samirrrr." She drag my name.

"Okay, okay." I said wrapping my arms around her her in an embrace.

We stood like that for some time till someone open the door of her name; "Oh, my bad." Her mum says with a sly smile before closing the door.

"You see what i mean?" I said at the same time Norah says; "You see why we need to go back home."

I shake my head and help her pack her stuffs before we both walk downstairs for dinner.

"About time lovers." Yunus says munching his banana, i pick one too.

"Oh shut up!" My wife says, sitting.

We all settle down on the dining table, we had our meal in almost silence, with just chit chats here and there.

"You're going back to your home today Norah?" Mr Jabir asks his daughter, she swallowed her food before replying; "Yes dad, we will." She says looking at me, i smiled at her.

He nods his head; "That's nice then, i will be visiting Abdallah now, take care of yourself habibty, and call me immediately you reach your home okay?" He says kissing her forehead, she smiled while nodding her head. "Yes father." She giggles.

"Take good care of my daughter Samir." Mr Jabir says to me, i nod; "You have my words sir."

"Stop with the 'sir' already my boy." Mama says giggling, "Hey! I am enjoying it." He says laughing, we all join him and he excused himself to go visit my dad.

"Don't mind him." Mama says shaking her head.

"Mama can i have your phone please?" Yunus asks, "You may not." Mama replies him, he pouts and Norah stick her tongue at him.

"Mama please, just five minutes." He whine, his phone has spoilt, and yet to get a new one, "Five minuets." Mama says handing him her phone, he lean towards her to give her a kiss.

I smile at them and,

We continue eating.

Around 9pm we decide to leave, i put my wifes small suitcase in the truck, and we hit the road to our house after saying our goodbye(s) and lots of prayers to my wife and also my lovely dad.


"Home sweet home." Nihal says sprawling on our bed, i shook my head at her childish behavior and enter the bathroom.

When i came out she still is on the same position, i lie beside her and she immediately tackle me, laying atop me.

I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I know nobody is perfect, but you're all the right pieces that makes perfection Samir, you are all i ever ask for,"

"You are my dua come true, i love you so much," She cup my face and i lick her nose, she giggles: "You see, words are just combined letters and to me it will forever never be enough to express what you mean to me, i love you beyond words, thank you for taking care of me and for loving me back, that will be enough to serve me a lifetime habibi(my love)" and she kiss me.

I respond, pouring all the emotions within me that i can never put to words.

"You really did miss me." I said when we pull away; "You have no idea." She says i smile at her.

"I love you too Norah, so much, i swear before i met you i never thought I'll fall in love but you proved me wrong,"

"You are the reason i believe love is real my love, and for that I'll forever be indebted to you." We sit up right and i lay my head on her laps, she starts caressing my lips with her thumb.

"Oh Samir." She says massaging my hair.

And that led to another thing, we sealed our marriage once again, and trust me it still feels like the first time everyday.

I love this girl sleeping beside me, so much,

The mother of our kids.


Assalamu Alaikum gorg humans😻

In shaa Allah you're all in good health, Alhamdulillah.

You fasting Arfa? Alhamdulillah pray for us okay xx

31st July, 12am.

Taqabbal minna wa min kum❤️
May Allah accept all our duas, and may He spare us to witness another eid in good health, Amin.

Eid Mubarak🥰

May Ar-Rahman always be with us.


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