In the end, the priest took advantage of the Count's chaos and put on a ridiculous show. So that I can't say anything else.


Then the rabbit poked its head out at me and rubbed itself against me. As if to say 'thank you for saving my life.'

The cute figure left me speechless, forgetting what I had been thinking a little while ago.

Then suddenly, the silver hair of Cassis came to mind from the white fur of the rabbit.

The very kid who collasped, wet with blood.

I asked, staring at my mother blankly.

"Mom, what about Cassis?"

Then she spoke with a dark expression.

"Cassis is..."


I stared at Cassis, bandaged all around his body like a mummy.

I was on my way here because I refused to dissuade myself from visiting him later.

"He just fell asleep after taking painkillers."

Paul explained to me calmly. His face was shabbier than before.

Perhaps he had a lot of trouble while he was unconscious.

My father's a workaholic with his job. I'd be hurt and the whole castle would be in a mess.

Moreover, it was obvious how cold the atmosphere in the castle must have been because even Cassis, a guest, was hurt.

I looked up at Paul and asked.

"Is Cassis very hurt?"

"It's all right, miss. He just broke his ribs, arms and legs. But I'm glad it's only to this extent."

note: im sorry what 👁️👄👁️ 》

That's not a good thing!

I was saddened by Paul's blunt remark.

Of course, I knew that you were talking calmly on purpose because you didn't want me to worry.

Still. It must of hurt so much.

Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw Cassis lying miserably on the bed.

His face looked more blue than normal. How painful it must be for a sick child to have broken bones all over the place.

Paul said, as I stared at Cassis without saying a word.

"I've heard of the story. Thanks to you, the young master lived. I am greatly indebted. In the future, the Urquio family will give you a reward."

"I don't need a reward. I'm worried that Cassis got hurt so much more than that."

"He's gotten a lot better. It's just the bandage that makes it look painful, but he's getting better."

Paul comforted me with a kind explanation. I bit my lower lip.

It was fortunate that Cassis didn't use magic.

If he did, his condition would have been worse than it is now.

Moreover, it was not a bad thing since I discovered a talent I didn't know of thanks to this incident.

I shuddered at the sudden thought of the rabbit.

Cute but dangerous animal. Still, a strange creature that keeps attracting attention.

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