Chapter thirty nine

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    Noya POV

    After Asahi left the room I start to feel a little scared. I didn't want to be alone. Memories of that night start to come to my mind and I start to cry.
   Asahi came back with a nurse and she made me some questions and then left. I start to cry again and Asahi holds my hand.
    "Hey, what's wrong?" Asahi asks.
    "I-I... I got scared..." I say trying to control my crying.
    "I-I d-don't w-want to be alone." I sob holding his hand tightly.
    "Hey it's ok. You're safe now. Nothing is going to happen. I promise." Asahi says rubbing my cheek softly.
    "W-What if he co-comes b-back?" I ask looking at the door.
    "He won't. He's going to prison." Asahi says but I can't stop feeling scared.
    "I'm sorry!" I start sobbing and my ribs hurt me more than ever.
    "Noya calm down! Breathe! It's ok. I'm here." I hear Asahi's voice trying to calm me down. "Love, look at me. Look at me!" I hear his voice get more and distant and my vision starts to become blurry until everything goes dark.
    When I open my eyes again I find myself on the same white room. I try to get up but quickly regret it feeling my ribs burn. I wince in pain and feel a hand on my shoulder.
    "Hey don't move. You'll hurt yourself more." Asahi says with a small smile.
    "W-What happened?" I ask confused.
    "You start panicking and passed out." My boyfriend explains.
    "I'm sorry for worrying you." I apologise.
    "It's ok. Do you need anything?" Asahi asks and I shake my head.
    I hear a knock on the door and immediately a grab Asahi's hand in fear.
    "Hey it's ok." Asahi tries to comfort me and the door opens.
    I close my eyes tightening my grip around my boyfriend's hand.
    "Noya?" I hear a voice calling me.
    "Noya it's ok. You can open your eyes babe." Asahi says and I slowly open them seeing Tanaka at the end of the bed with his sister.
    "R-Ryu..." I say relived.
    "How are you feeling, bro?" Ryu asks.
    "I-I'm ok." I say.
    "You scared us for good." Saeko says getting closer and holding my other hand.
    "I'm sorry Nee-san." I say looking down.
    "You don't need to apologise Noya. It's not your fault." She says and I look at the three.
    "When can I go home?" I ask.
    "I talked to the doctor outside and he told me you need to stay today here just to check if everything's ok and then you can go home." Saeko-san says and I nod.
    "Everything will be ok bro." Tanaka says and I smile.
    "You know Ryu... I have a felling that I heard something while I was out." I say and his eyes widen. "I think I heard you saying something like..."
    "Wow. Wow. Wow. I said nothing! You heard nothing!" He says turning around.
    "Oh could swear I heard you say you loved me." I say chuckling.
    "You could hear us while you were in the coma?" Saeko asks shocked.
    "Yeah but I simply couldn't wake up. I wanted to call you and ask for help but everything was so heavy and difficult." I say looking at Asahi. "I heard you cry a lot and saying all those things." Some tears fall down my face while I remember all the words Asahi told me. "I want you to know that I am the one lucky to have you in my life and there was nothing you could do to prevent what happened so don't you even think about blaming yourself. I love you." I say and he blushes like a tomato while some tears fall from his eyes.
    "I'm sorry... it was just so hard seeing you like that." He says.
    "I know babe." I look at Ryu who was still back facing me. "Oi! Ryu! I love you too bro. In a platonic bro way. No homo dude." I say and I see his ears become red.
    "Just shut up." He says embarrassed and I laugh softly.
    "Thank you for taking care of Asahi Nee-san." I thank her.
    "You're welcome. Somebody had to." She says.
    There was a knock on the door and I grab Saeko's and Asahi's hands firmly. A doctor comes in with a police officer behind.
    "Hello Nishinoya. How are you feeling?" The doctor asks.
    "F-Fine." I say looking at both of the man scared.
    "We're not here to hurt you. The police have some questions for you and I'm here to check up if you're okay to go home." The white clothed man says. "Could you three wait outside please?"
    "Asahi no. Please don't go." I say in panic grabbing his hand firmly not letting him go.
    "Noya I'll be right outside the door. I promise." He says but I don't let him go.
    "No please. Just stay. Please!" I cry.
    "Can I stay?" He asks the doctor.
    "You can stay." The doctor says and Asahi stays by my side all the time while the police man makes me questions about that night.


Thank you for reading!

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