Chapter thirty five

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    Third POV

    Saeko got out of the room and went looking for a doctor. Asahi kept holding the small libero's hand caressing it. Tanaka went close to the window and allowed himself to cry. He couldn't accept what was happening to his best friend.
    Saeko came inside the room after some time and walked closer to Asahi kneeling down by his side raising a hand to his arm. Asahi looked at her and she gave him a weak smile.
    "D-Did you f-find the doctor?" Asahi asks and Saeko nods.
    "Yeah... He told me it was pretty bad..." She says with a sad voice trying to hold her tears.
    "How bad Saeko?" Tanaka asked.
    "Come here." Saeko asked her brother opening her arms to give him a hug. Tanaka approaches his sister and she hugs him. She holds both boys hands and takes a deep breath. "The doctor said Noya have lost a lot of blood at it was very lucky to be alive. He also have four broken ribs, multiple cuts on his arms. The doctor said Noya had hit his head and they don't know if there'll be sequels. They had to induce him into a coma to prevent him to feel so much pain so it may take a few days for him to awake up." Saeko says holding tight the two crows hands.
    "I'm so going to kill that bastard!" Tanaka says.
    "The hospital called the police and Terushima will be arrested for sure." Saeko says. "But guys there's something more and this is something really delicate to talk about." Saeko says fearing the boys reaction.
    "What is it?" Asahi asks.
    "The doctor says that Noya may have been... ra-raped..." The blonde girl says crying from the violence of the word.
    "N-No... no t-that's not true... it can't be..." Asahi says in disbelief.
    "Th-They'll run a few m-more tests tomorrow... but it's a possibility..." Saeko says almost in a whisper. "G-Guys... Noya may never b-be the same again... but we need to be here for him despite everything..." She asks.
    "We'll be here for him no matter what." Tanaka says and Asahi nods.
    "W-We need to tell t-the others." Asahi says and Tanaka takes his phone out getting out of the room calling Takeda Sensei.
    "Asahi I'm sure everything will be ok... but you know we need to be prepared for anything right now." Saeko says hugging the giant long hair male.
    "I-I know... it just hurts. He didn't deserve any of this." The ace cries on Saeko's shoulder.
    "I know sweetie. I know." She tries to comfort him. "All we can do now is wait for him to wake up and hope that everything is ok."
     Tanaka gets inside the room and joins the hug.
    "Come on man. We need to stay strong. Noya will be fine in no time, you'll see. He's stronger than we think." Tanaka says.
    "You talked to the team?" Saeko asks and Tanaka nods.
    "I told Takeda Sensei what happened and he said he'll call the others for a team meeting tomorrow afternoon." The shaved hair boy says.
    "We should go home and take some rest." Saeko says.
    "I'm staying here with Noya." Asahi says and Saeko nods.
    "We'll come back tomorrow. Do you need anything?" She asks with a hand on Asahi's shoulder.
    "No thanks." The boy says and Saeko nods walking off the room with Tanaka.

    Asahi POV

    Tanaka and Saeko got out of the room. I pull a chair closer to the bed and sit down holding Noya's hand hopping to feel any movement indicating that he was waking up. I was feeling tired and heart broken so I lay my head on the edge of the bed letting myself rest for a while.

    I wake up to the sound of a lot of voices.
    "We're losing him!"
    "Starting CPR!"
    "Noya? No! Noya! No!" I yell trying to get closer to him but I was stuck. I couldn't reach him. His heart monitor was a straight line. I start to cry and shout his name. "Noya!"
    "We lost him..." I hear someone say.
    "Hour of the death?"
    "06: 43 am"
    "No! Noya please! Don't leave me!" I yell feeling my heart and soul dying inside my body while the love of my life was taken away from me.

    "No!" I yell waking up. I look around and see that it was all a nightmare. I look at the peaceful boy on the bed and sigh in relief.
    There's a light knock on the door and then a nurse comes in.
    "Good morning. I'm sorry but we have to do some exams on the patient. Could you wait outside please?" The woman says and I nod.
    I walk out of the room and go to the waiting room. I sit down with ny head between my hands waiting for authorization to come in the room again. I take my phone out and look at the time. It was almost 12 am. I waited for an hour and a half before the nurse come close to me and says I can go inside the room again.
    "You can go inside now, sir." She says with a weak smile.
    "How's he?" I ask worried.
    "We have to wait for the results now but I'm sure he'll be fine." She says and walks away.
    I get up and return to the room. Noya was in the exact same position. Nothing had changed. I sit by his side again and hold his hand rubbing circles on the back of it.
    "Hey babe. I don't know if you can hear me but I want you to know that I'll be here by your side forever. You're the best person I know and I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from that guy." I say while the tears fall down my face. "I love you so much Nishinoya. Please don't leave me. I promise that I'll never let you go. I'll never give up on you so please my love be strong and stay with me." I sob and I feel the air stuck in my throat. "I know I'm not the best person and I know maybe you deserved someone better but I don't know why I got so lucky to have someone so amazing like you by my side." I kiss his hand and cry.
    I don't know how much time I spent like that but I hear a few knocks on the door and when I look up I see Saeko come in with Tanaka.
    "Hey dude." Tanaka says.
    "H-Hey..." I say weakly.
    "How's he?" Saeko asks.
    "The same. A nurse came here to make some exams. Now we need to wait for the results." I say and they both nod.
    "You should go home and take a shower." Saeko says to me.
    "I don't want to leave him alone." I say looking at Nishi.
    "I know but Tanaka can stay here while I take you home. You shower, put some clean clothes on, eat something and I'll bring you here right after. You can't just stay here all the time looking after him. You need to look after yourself too. Don't you think that what Noya would want?" Saeko asks and I look down.
    "Ok. But we come back right after, deal?" I ask and she nods.


Thank you for reading! Love you all! Stay safe!

You Are Enough [Haikyuu Fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon