Chapter nineteen

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    Noya POV

    'Why? Why now? Why here? Why him? Why? WHY? WHY?' My head was screaming inside. I didn't understand why couldn't people just leave me alone. Specially people from my past witch I wanted to forget. I feel the tears start to form in my eyes.
    "I-I need t-to go to t-the bathroom." I say to Yamaguchi rushing to the bathroom.
    Nobody's there so I just let my back rest against the wall while I slide down until I'm sitting in the floor. I hug my knees against my chest and I cry trying my best to avoid my sobs from escape.

    'You're so pathetic.'
    'You really thought you could be a guy?'
    'Have you looked at yourself?'
    'You're disgusting!'
    'All you want is attention!'

    The voices of my head scream at me. The voices of people I once knew, come as a memory to bring me back to my old nightmares and although I don't want to believe what they say I know they're right.
    I hear running footsteps but I don't move from my place.
    "Nishi!" I hear the voice and I recognise it immediately. The voice of the person who has been saving me everyday from myself. The voice of an angel called Asahi. I feel him pulling me close to him in a hug and I rest my head in his shoulder. "It's ok. You're ok. I'm here now. I love you. It's ok." He says in a comforting voice while running one of his hands up and down my back.
    "A-Asahi." Is everything that I can say before start sobbing.
    "Shhh calm down I'm here. I'm here babe." We stay like that until I calm down. "Let's get out of here." He says and I nod.
    We get up and got out of there. Suga came up to us and hugged me.
    "How are you? Who did this? I'm going to kill them!" Suga said angry.
    "It's ok Suga-san." I say in a low voice.
    "What happened Yuu?" Asahi asks.
    "I was choosing some clothes with Yamaguchi. We were talking and when I turned around I bumped into someone." I take a few deep breaths trying to control my need to cry.
    "Hey it's ok. Take your time." Asahi says holding my hand.
    "I apologised and... and he recognised me... He called me by my dead name..." I feel Asahi's grip turn tighter and I let out a yelp.
    "Oh my god I'm sorry!" He apologises.
    "I-It's ok." I look down. "He called me tranny and faggot." I start to cry again. "I-I'm dis-disgusting!" I sob.
    "Hey look at me." Asahi says and I look. "Never. Ever. You hear me? Never! Never say that! You're not disgusting. You're my boyfriend and I forbid you to say or even think things like that about yourself." Asahi says looking me deep in the eyes.
    "I'm sorry Noya-san." Yamaguchi says.
    "It's not your fault Yamaguchi. Thank you for defending me back then." I thank him and he nods.
    "Noya who was this person?" Suga asks and I feel the air get caught in my throat.
    "H-His n-name is T-Terushima..." I stutter.
    "Wait. Terushima? Like the volleyball captain from Johzenji? Terushima Yuuji?" Asahi says and I nod. "You two know each other?"
    "We were from the same school before I moved here." I answer.
    "Well you can be sure if I ever see that guy I'm going to smash him into pieces!" Suga says and Yamaguchi tries to calm him.
    We spent the next half an hour together seeing somethings at some stores but my mind was far away. I couldn't just pretend nothing happened. Asahi kept saying sweet things to me while holding my hand witch made me feel better.
    While we waited for Kageyama and Hinata at the spot we had agreed, Asahi kissed my forehead.
    "I bought something for you." He says.
    "You did?" I ask surprised and he nods happy. "You didn't have to!" I say pouting and Asahi laughs.
    "But I wanted to." He says taking a box out of a bag and give it to me. "Here." He hands me the box and I smile opening it.
    "Asahi... It's beautiful!" I say taking a necklace out of the box. It's simple but beautiful. A silver necklace with a little flame on it. Just like the one from the Divergent series.
    "It's to remind you how strong you are and that no matter what people may say, you are the most amazing guy ever. I love you Noya." He says and I kiss him.
    "Thank you Asahi! You're so sweet." I say putting the necklace on. "I love it. I love you." I hug him tight.
    "I'll be always here for you." Asahi says.
    "And I'll be always here for you." I say with a huge smile.


Thank you for reading!
If you have never seen the little flame from the Divergent series check the image from the chapter.
Also I love Terushima although I made him be the bad guy in this fic. I'M SORRY TERU-DADY-SHIMA!

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