Chapter three

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    Nishinoya POV

    I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. It's 6am and I need to start to prepare myself to school but I feel so tired. I wish I could stay in bed. There's only two more days left until the practice match with Aoba Johsai and I was ready to kick their asses! I've been training even harder because I want to be able to receive the powerfull serve from The Grand King Oikawa.
    I get up and get ready to go to school. While I'm putting the bandages around my torso I feel a little pain. I don't give it much importance and so I finish everything and start to run to school. It's almost 7am.
    "Shit! I'm going to be late to practice!"
    I start running faster and I can feel my ribs burn. 'Calm down Yuu it's just a little pain. It will vanish.' I think to myself trying not to panic and trying to be strong. When I get to the gym I see coach Ukai speaking to the team. I was late. Gosh I feel so stupid!
    "Noya you're late go change quickly and come practice" coach says
    "Yes coach. I'm so sorry it will not happen again I promise!" I say running to the changing locker and put my sports clothes. I run to the gym and start doing warming exercises.
    "Ok have everybody warmed up?" Coach asks. We all nod in response. "Good let's do a 4v4 game"

    Team A
- Nishinoya
- Daichi
- Sugawara
- Tsukishima

    Team B
- Asahi
- Kageyama
- Hinata
- Tanaka

    We start playing and I could feel I was giving my best like always. Hinata spikes the ball and just as I run to catch it I feel dizzy and fall on the ground panting for air. My lungs are burning. I feel like I'm going to vomit. I hear the voices of my team mates calling my name so I make an effort to get up and smile.
    "I'm okay! Sorry I felt a little dizzy." I say
    "Maybe you should go and rest for the rest of practice." Daichi says concerned.
    "No really I'm okay let's just keep going!" I try to calm them so I could play.
    "I agree with Daichi. You should sit down and rest." Suga says with his angry mom face.
    "Fine!" I give up arguing and go sit down against a wall. I grab my water bottle and drink a large amount of it, and just stay there. Watching them play.

    Asahi POV

    I was worried about Noya. He've been practicing harder and harder in the past few days. I know we need to practice and we have the match against Aoba Johsai but still, what if he gets injured for so much training? I don't want him to get hurt!
    I was worrying too much and overthinking  everything when I heard Tanaka scream my name.
    Before I knew it, the ball hit my face causing me to fall back and growl in pain.
    "Asahi-san!" I hear a lot of voices calling out my name. I just stay there grabbing my nose feel it starting to bleed. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. I was expecting them to be Ukai's or Daichi's hands but when I openned my eyes everything around just disappeared. It was Nishinoya. His hands were softly but firmly grabbing my shoulders and I could feel he trembling a bit.
    "Asahi are you ok?" He asked worried. I nod and start to get up putting one of my large hands above one of his. He instantly grabs my hand and helps me to get up.
    "Asahi you're bleeding! Oh my God!" Sugawara says worried and a little scared. I know Suga can't handle a lot of blood so I turn around and hold my nose.
    "Noya take Asahi and help him with the blood. The others let's do a line and practice spikes so we can end practice."
    Me and Noya walked out of the gym and went to the bathroom.
    "Asahi do you think you can sit down? It's easier for me to help you that way" I blush and nod sitting on the floor. With all the thoughts crossing my mind I almost forgot about the height difference between me and the little libero.
    I close my eyes and lean my head back until it touches the wall behind me. I feel Noya put one of his hands on my shoulder while he kneels by my side.
    "Asahi-san..." his voice is almost a whisper. I open my eyes to see an angel in front of me. He looks so gorgeous. Soft pinkish cheeks, big eyes, plump limps. I feel a need to kiss him and to hold him telling him how much I like him since the first day we met. My thoughts are cut off by the pressure of a humid towel cleaning my nose.
    "Ouch!" I mumble under my breath.
    "I'm sorry..." The small boy says with a sad face.
    "It's ok don't worry" I assure him.
    Once my nose stops bleeding and we got up I look at the boy standing in front of me and I slowly put my hand on his cheek rubbing circles with my thumb. Noya closes his eyes and leans on my touch.
    I start leaning in his direction without even thinking for a minute on what I was doing.


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