[9] Life Changing

Start from the beginning

"I don't know." She mouthed as more people sat at their table. Danny sat on the other side of Madison.

"Hey Madison." Danny said smiling. Madison smiled back. She loved Danny. Who doesn't love Danny.

"Hey Danny." She responded.

"Get up." Jackson said to the boy at the end of the table.

"Why don't you ever ask Danny to get up?" The boy asked.

"Because I don't stare at her girlfriends coin slot." Danny stated. Madison scoffed in amusement.

"Nice." She said to Danny who smiled. They high fived as Scott and Stiles watched in confusion. 

They guy got up and Jackson sat down while Allison sat down next to Scott. Madison smiled at the girl who smiled back.

"So they say it's some type of animal attack." Danny started talking about the accident. "Probably cougar."

"I heard mountain lion." Jackson said making Madison roll her eyes at his stupidity.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia corrected him. Lydia then realized she said something smart. "Isn't it?" She covered.

Lydia glanced at Madi, to tell her not to say anything. Madison knows how smart Lydia is. Lydia doesn't hide it when she's with her. It makes Madison mad that Lydia acts dumb so she can be the popular girl.

"Who cares? The guy is probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson responded.

"You're so nice, you know that Jackson?" Madison said sarcastically making Jackson glare at her in return.

"Actually I just found out who it is." Stiles stated showing the phone to the group. "Check it out."

They video played and showed the victim who is at the hospital in critical condition. Madison immediately recognized the man, looking at Scott who was thinking the same thing as her.

"Oh my god." Madison said. "We know this guy."

"You do?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, when we use to take the bus back when we lived with our dad." Scott exclaimed to them. "He was the driver."

Stiles, Scott and Madison all looked at each other, worrying about if Scott actually almost killed someone he knew.

"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia asked. "Like, where are we going tomorrow night?" Allison and Scott looked at Lydia confused.

"You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?" Lydia asked.

"Uh, we were thinking of what we were to in h to do." Allison answered.

"Well I'm not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos." Lydia told them. "So if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun."

Madison sighed and shook her head slightly at the red head who was inviting herself to Allison and Scott's date.

"Hanging out?" Scott asked. "Like the four of us?" Madison and Stiles looked at each both thinking the same thing. This just keeps getting worse and worse.

"Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?" Scott asked.

"Yeah I guess." Allison stated. "Sounds fun."

"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson asked. "Stabbing my self in the face with this fork."

"Can I do it?" Madison asked as Stiles rolled his eyes at Jackson.

"How bout bowling?" Lydia suggested. Madison's, Scott's and Stiles's eyes widen. Scott can't bowl. He sucks at bowling. "You love to bowl." Lydia said to Jackson.

"Yeah with actual competition." Jackson replied.

"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison asked. "You can bowl, right?"

"Sort of." Scott answered unsure

"Is it sort of or yes?" Jackson asked. Stiles and Madison looked at each other with wide eyes then shook their heads no rapidly at Scott.

"Yes. In fact I'm a great bowler." Scott said.

"Unbelievable." Madison said under her breath. Scott just told a huge lie, and just ruined made life worse for him.

"Great. Than that's settle. We're going bowling." Lydia stated. "Oh, and Madison and Stiles, you can come too as a couple, it could be a triple date."

Madison glared at Lydia as she just smiled in return. Stiles eyed widen in shock as he choked on his drink.

"Couple?" Scott asked, weirded out.

"Uh," Stiles said coughing in the middle, "Date?"

"Yeah unless Madison doesn't want to go." Lydia said making everyone look at Madison.

"Uhh," she started to say as she looked around to find an escape. "Oh, look at that, gotta go."

Madison got up and ran over to another table and sat down. She then realized what she did and let out a groan, smacking her head on the table.

"What's wrong?" Issac asked the girl who's face was laying in the table.

"I'm stupid." Madison responded. Issac chuckled.

"Well we both knew that already." Issac said making her glare at him. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Lydia, Jackson, Scott and Allison are going on a double date and Lydia being Lydia asked if Stiles and I wanted to go as a couple and make it a triple date." Madison explained. "And I ran."

"Because you didn't want to go on the date with Stiles?" Issac asked.

"No." Madison answered.

"So you did want to go on the date with Stiles." Issac said to her.

"No." Madison replied again.

"So basically what you're saying is you like Stiles." Issac said making Madison snapped her head towards him.

"W-wha-," Madison stuttered. "How did we get to this?" She asked not understanding. Issac just smirked.

"So, do you?" Issac asked.

"Do I what?" Madison asked.

"Like Stiles?" Issac asked. Madison opened her mouth to say no but something stopped her.

"Oh, looks like I forgot to get something from my locker. See you later." Madison said getting up and grabbing her bag, running out the cafeteria.

Issac laughed and went back to eating while Stiles watched the brunette leave in confusion.

He wasn't hurt when she left the table, he would do the same thing if he was put on the spot like she was. He just wanted to know what her answer would be. He knew what his answer would be.

Authors note:
Hope you enjoyed let me know! And tell me anything you think should happen!

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