"What about you?" Tharn asked. Type shook his head. "No. Single as a Pringle."

"But don't those come in a pack with a lot of other pringles?" Tharn asked and Type couldn't help but laugh, realising how stupid that saying actually was. "Whatever. I'm not dating anyone. Hopefully being in college remedies that."

"Anyone catch your fancy yet?" Tharn asked. Type looked at him and shook his head. "The only girls I've seen have been in my class. I don't want to go down that road because, if something goes south, it's just going to be awkward as hell for the rest of our college lives because we'd be in the same class." 

Tharn chuckled at his explanation, agreeing with him. "Don't shit where you eat?" He affirmed, smiling at Type. "Exactly," Type replied, pointing his index finger at Tharn.

"Okay, let's finish this up," Tharn said as he grabbed a bowling ball and hit 9 pins, winning the round. Type groaned in frustration at his embarrassing loss. "How are you so good when all you do is probably play with your computer all day," Type frustratedly said, making Tharn chuckle in delight. "Exactly how you suck even though you play with balls all the time," Tharn said wiggling his brows. Type widened his eyes in shock at the euphemism. He looked at Tharn chuckling and went to buy another round with a huff. He was going to crush him this time around.

Type looked at Tharn getting into position. He looked at how lithe and perfect his form looked. He couldn't help but think that he was nothing like how he remembered. He used to have really chubby, pink cheeks and looked so small and round. Not the literal god that just bowled another strike in front of him. Tharn turned around and pumped his fist in celebration and it made Type break into a smile. 

"You've changed so much," Type said. Tharn cocked his head to one side in confusion. "Yeah, you've changed too. What do you mean?" Tharn said, which took Type by surprise. He had never stopped to think about the fact that he had changed himself in the years that they had been separated for. It was so obvious now that Tharn had pointed it out. He realised he was no longer the boy he was when he was younger. 

"Yeah, I forgot that you haven't seen me in years too. Of course we've both changed. We were children when we met. And you know how children are dumbasses, because we were those dumbasses back then," Type said with a chuckle. Tharn laughed at the truth behind his words. He agreed that they were dumb as dirt when they were young. Him probably more than Type. 

"Yeah, real dumbasses," Tharn said, recalling a specific memory where Type walked up to him to ask him why he never spoke to anyone in class and chuckled. 

"But I still recognised you!" Tharn added, looking at Type with a proud smirk. "Yeah, because I didn't morph into a different person like someone else here," Type said, mockingly gesturing at Tharn, which made Tharn start laughing again. Type looked at him and suddenly saw a flash of the little boy who offered him the treats his mom had prepared for him for lunch with a big, dopey grin on his face, and his lips curled into a smile at the memory. 

Tharn proceeded to win the second round too, which made Type throw a small tantrum as he laid face down on the bench in disbelief. After Tharn was done laughing at Type's theatrics, he convinced him to go get something to eat next and, because Type was starving after two intense rounds of bowling, he let himself be dragged to the food court. 


"What do you want to eat?" Tharn asked as they stood at a vantage point from where they could see all the restaurants lining the walls. Type looked around and his eyes caught the red and white letters that spelt out KFC. He suddenly felt a burning need to put fried chicken in his mouth immediately. 

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