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The next morning Trent showed up slightly late to breakfast since he had been in the shower for a bit too long and his mates had saved him a seat next to Kiera

On the same table across from him was Ella sat next to Fikayo who was telling her a story about his FIFA game last night against Dom when he had thrashed him.

"Where'd you go last night, Trent?" Ben asked him suddenly "We wanted to play another game of darts and you weren't there,"

"I hadn't slept well the night before so I went to bed early," he lied, forcing himself not to glance in Ella's direction

"Well you know what they say, babies need more sleep than adults," Ella teased and Trent rolled his eyes

"You're younger than me," he said

"I don't act like it though," she shrugged and Trent turned back to his conversation with Kiera. Ella wasn't normally the most observant person alive but recently Kiera had been around Trent a lot more, making an effort to sit with him and hang out with him more and Ella was surprised because Kiera had never even looked in Trent's direction when he first arrived

She zoned back in on Fikayo's story and pushed any thoughts about the scouser out of her mind

They had a light work out in the morning and then they had to go pack their bags and get onto the England bus. It was a 2 hour drive and Ella sat on a table with Ben, Tammy and Demarai playing cards while Kiera dragged Trent to sit with her

"Oi," Tammy whispered to her "Why was you looking at scouser this morning?"

"I wasn't," she shrugged

"You was," he nodded "Last night you were outside and then he disappeared too, were you guys together?"

"He interrupted my practice to annoy me of course," she said

"Something weird's going on with you two," Tammy shook his head "I'm sure of it,"

"If by weird you mean he annoys me all day then yes," she teased

"Please tell me you don't like him," he frowned

"God no," she laughed "I can't go 10 minutes without wanting to hit him,"

"Alright, alright," he shrugged

They arrived at the stadium and the girls went to change into training gear and join the others for warm up.

Ella was passing in a triangle with Trent and Tammy and Trent kept trying to nutmeg her and it wasn't working until Demarai distracted her and he shot it through her legs. He cheered and the team laughed

"You prick!" Ella laughed and threatened to boot a football at him

"Alright stop flirting you two," Aidy teased and they glared at each other while the others whooped. They finished the warm up and everyone went to change into their England kits, Ella was about to go into the tunnel but she passed the boy's changing room and Trent was sat in there alone

"Hey," she said and he looked up

"Hi," he smiled

"What's up?" she asked "Deep in thought about how you made a mistake playing for the red army?"

"As if," he scoffed and she laughed

"Nah what's up?" she asked

"Don't laugh," he warned and she raised her hands "I'm nervous,"


"I'm making my debut tonight, and in the starting 11, it's freaking me out," He admitted

PURPLE - Trent Alexander-ArnoldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora