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The next day by breakfast it was obvious to everyone on the team that something had happened last night. Ella didn't even glance in Trent's direction and he spent all morning ignoring her, giving short answers and staying away from her

The players all had to pack their bags and were driven to the airport, they got onto the England plane and Ella instantly went to sit with Tammy in the front row while Trent joined Dom a few rows behind to stay away

"So what's happened?" Tammy asked her

"Nothing," she shrugged and turned on a movie

"That's a lie and you know it, you and Trent are avoiding each other like the plague," he said "Normally the team would prefer this to your arguing but this doesn't help,"

"Last night he acted like he was gonna kiss me and then he suddenly left and won't talk to me, what am I supposed to do?" She explained

"I can't tell you what to do El, but we're playing tomorrow and we need you guys to get along," Tammy said "You know that El, be the bigger person and do what's best for everyone,"

"I guess," she sighed "I just don't know what to think anymore, I've never let myself be distracted from football and now I am, it's just stressing me out,"

"Ella, something changed when he arrived here because I've never seen you distract yourself. But you guys acting like this could ruin this team and one day maybe the senior team and you're going to have to live with that," Tammy said "You know you can always talk to me about this as well."

She nodded and held out an earplug "Watch with me?"

"Of course," he grinned and put it in. From Trent's seat he could see the pair and he didn't know what he was feeling. Last night had been a weak moment from his tired brain and he was surprised she hadn't fought with him already

"Mate," Dom nudged Trent out of his daydream "Stop staring,"

"Sorry," Trent said, rolling his eyes

"We can all tell something happened last night and I don't know what it was but I actually think ignoring her might be worse than arguing. It makes it worse for the rest of us." Dom warned and returned to his movie, leaving Trent to think about his words until they landed in the Netherlands

They were driven to their hotel and unpacked before going to the training ground they would be using, Ella felt lucky that she wasn't put on the same team as Trent even though he felt kind of bad for confusing her so much and knew they needed to talk

"Alright that's it for today team! It's clear some of you are already burnt out," Aidy said and gave Trent and Ella a stern look

She felt bad but tried not to show it and helped pack up, she took some of the footballs and the team headed back to the bus. Ella never wanted to let anyone down, but right now she was too distracted and couldn't keep her head in the game

"Ella," Trent called after her, she brushed past him and got onto the bus. He spent the entire ride thinking of what to say to her next time they talked

Back at the hotel Ella instantly went up to her room and had a long hot shower until dinner came around. Trent had a free seat next to him but she made sure to sit with Tammy and Demarai who were nearly all the way along the table from Trent.

His bad mood worsened when he noticed how she didn't even seem fazed by last night anymore, she spent nearly the whole meal laughing at Demarai's jokes while he sulked and only spoke to Joe

The team were sent upstairs and Ella headed to bed, watching Netflix on her laptop for a while

2 doors down Trent was laying in bed staring up at his ceiling, his mind raced with thoughts and all of them about Ella. He hated giving in during an argument but tomorrow they had a match and his being immature couldn't be the reason they screwed up

Ella looked up when there was a knock at her door so she got out of bed and opened it, shocked that Trent was there

"We need to talk," he said and let himself into her room before she could stop him

"Go on," she crossed her arms, glaring at him

"I don't know why I acted like that, and I didn't know what to tell you so I left," Trent rushed out. Ella didn't know what she had expected to hear, but from the feeling in her heart this wasn't it

"Okay," she swallowed "Well goodnight Trent," Trent knew there was still tension between them about last night and he had to be the bigger person for once

When he stayed still Ella went to pass him and open the door for him to leave but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his chest. He leaned down until his nose was brushing hers and took a deep breath

"Trent," she whispered "You can't keep doing that."

"Why?" he asked

"Because it's confusing me!" she pushed his chest back "One second we're at each other's throats and the next you do that! Just stop it okay!"


"Football's my priority okay!" she continued "I've worked hard to get here and you can't just show up and change that for me, I don't know what game you think you're playing trying to get into my head but I'm not playing it anymore."

"I'm not playing a game, is that so hard to believe?" Trent asked

"Yes." she sighed "We've always hated each other, we've hated each other since we were 6. You can't to kiss me all of a sudden."

"I wasn't trying to kiss you."

"You would have."

"Did you want me to?"

"Of course not!" she snapped "So whatever this thing is it needs to stop,"

"So you want to go back to ignoring each other?" he asked

"Well we're on the same team so we can't exactly stay away from each other but I'd rather argue with you than fee confused every time I see you," she explained

"So that's it then?" Trent asked

"yeah it is," she nodded "And you're a Liverpool player so get out before any of your mental insanity diseases get to me,"

"Coming from the Chelsea player," he scoffed

"London's blue init?" she grinned "Now go on," Trent rolled his eyes and left her room. Ella closed her door behind him and leaned against the wall, sliding down it to the floor

Ella would have much rather argued with Trent than felt scared of being alone with him, so why the hell was she still confused?

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