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Trent and Ella were going against each other today again. Liverpool vs Chelsea had always been a tense match to watch but with their relationship added into it, it made it even more competitive

Both young players would be in the starting lineup but just before each team had to head to the pitch Ella decided to wait outside the Liverpool home changing room

When the players in red slowly filed out Trent spotted his girlfriend and a smile spread across his face "Hey," He said quietly and pulled her into his arms

"Hi," Ella mumbled against his shoulder "I missed you,"

"Me too," Trent whispered and pressed a kiss to the top of her head "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," Ella nodded "I still hate doing this though,"

"Me too," Trent chuckled and the vibrations from his chest made Ella smile. Trent leaned back to cup Ella's face in his hands "I love you though, no matter what happens on the pitch,"

"I love you too," Ella smiled and she leaned up on her tip toes to press her lips against Trent's. The private moments they had were few and far between so they always had to make the most of it, and if that meant a few of their teammates would tease them then they didn't really care

Ella wrapped her hands around the back of Trent's neck to play with the short hairs there and Trent's arms circled her waist to pull her even closer if that was possible. Trent's lips were firm and warm against Ella's and he tilted his head to the right to deepen the kiss with her and part her lips with his own

Ella let out a small whimper into Trent's mouth and the sound made him want to pick her up, take her into one of the back rooms and have his way with her but sadly he knew he couldn't do that since they would spend the next 90 minutes on the pitch

So they both reluctantly pulled apart and Trent rested his forehead on Ella's since he still didn't want to let go of her

"I'll see you in 90 minutes," Ella whispered and leaned up to place another kiss on Trent's lips before she detangled herself from him and went to the tunnel to join her team and Trent followed shortly

The first half of the game was back and forth constantly and both teams were really giving it their all to win. Hazard went down because of Salah, then Rudiger had to come off the pitch because of an injury caused by Mané, and then Azpilicueta got a yellow card for tugging on Sophia's shirt

Ella was exhausted already, she had never been this out of breath so early in a game and Sarri was worried about the young player even though she told him she would be fine

And then in the second half Liverpool came back on with even more urgency to their playing and this punished Chelsea as Mané scored early on and then Salah scored only two minutes after

Eden and Ella knew they had to give it everything if they wanted to even give Chelsea a chance of getting back into this game, but every shot they took either missed or was saved by Alisson and throughout all the frustration and worry Ella was forgetting to control her breathing

She didn't even realise she had been doing that until the final whistle blew and her body felt like jelly

Eden had been about to walk off the pitch, when he decided to wait for Ella to walk with him so he looked to her and noticed that she was rooted in her spot. She looked almost sick with how pale she was and he could see her chest rising and sinking incredibly fast

"Ella?" He called over to her but she didn't move so worry seeped into his mind and he ran over to her, putting a hand on her arm "El are you okay?"

Ella shook her head in panic as she felt her throat closing up "I-I can't breathe," She wheezed out and Eden immediately wrapped his arm around her as he walked her inside as quickly as possible to get her away from all the noise of the Liverpool fans and players cheering

Eden brought her into the Chelsea changing room and pushed open the door into the bathrooms since no one was in there. Ella leaned against the wall and sank to the floor, putting her head between her knees as she struggled to keep her breathing in control

"Hey," Eden whispered as he crouched in front of her "Ella I need you to tell me 5 things you can see,"

"Um," She stuttered as her eyes flickered around nervously "Um-you, t-the tap, the mirror, the uh- the towel, and the-the soap."

"What are 4 things you can touch?" He asked

She placed a hand over his that was resting on her knee "You," She felt around on the cold marble floor "T-the t-tiles, the wall, and my b-boots,"

"3 things you can hear?" He pushed

"Your voice, um," She tried to focus in on one of the many sounds she could hear from next door "Sarri's voice and-and Beth's voice,"

"What are 2 things you can smell?" Eden asked

"Sweat," she chuckled tiredly "and my perfume,"

"1 thing you can taste?" Eden finished

"Saliva," she answered and Eden chuckled but let her have that as her answer.

"Good job, El," He smiled "Stay here, I'll bring you a bottle of water," Ella nodded shakily and Eden stepped out of the bathroom, he gestured to all his Chelsea teammates to be quiet as he headed out of their changing room and knocked on the home changing room door

He stepped inside and all the Liverpool players looked at him in confusion but the Belgian only looked at Trent

"Ella's had a panic attack, she's okay now but you should go see her and bring your water," He told the young English boy who nodded and ran out of his dressing room

Eden led him through the Chelsea one and pointed to the bathroom door. Trent headed inside and he found his girlfriend leaning against the wall so he sat down next to her

"Are you feeling better?" He asked her and she nodded in reply "What caused it?"

"I don't know," She replied "I was so worked up that I just forgot to breathe," Trent nodded and passed her his water bottle which she opened and began to gulp down. Once Ella was done drinking she put the bottle down and Trent wrapped his arm around her waist so she could curl into his side

"You're okay," Trent whispered "I've got you,"

"Thank you," Ella mumbled into his shoulder. Ella had only had two other panic attacks since she and Trent got together and she always felt a million times better when he would hold her and reassure her

Being on separate teams was really hard on them as a couple but moments like this when it was just them in a comfortable silence reminded them why they went through the hardships of being on separate teams

Outside the bathroom Eden smiled to himself at the thought of Ella, who had ultimately become a little sister to him, being happy and calm again. The thought of leaving Chelsea had been weighing on his mind for a little while but the only reason he kept holding back was because of her

He wanted her to be ready to carry this team to victory time and time again before he left and he wouldn't leave until he knew she could do that.

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