Walk You Home

771 36 10

"Consider today a break from training. Once we're done with the match you can return to your room and prepare for my mother's arrival. Starting tomorrow, we'll only have matches after we finish our training sessions. That way you'll actually be motivated to come to our training sessions," Jaehyun told me.

"But that'll be after I'm already worn out from training! That's not fair!"

Jaehyun paused for a moment as if he were debating my words.

"As your trainer, it will be in my best interest to help you improve and that includes showing you where you went wrong and how to counter my moves. I can't do that unless we fight first. This way, I'll be able to see your fighting style and have time to plan a lesson teaching you how to counter my moves."

"How can I trust that you'll actually teach me the most effective way to counter?" I challenged.

"I understand why you'd doubt me but believe me when I say that I know more than just one trick. Teaching you how to counterattacks to one move doesn't guarantee that I'll use it again or that you'll be a good enough student to actually execute them."

Jaehyun ignored the dirty look I gave him.

A knock came from the doorway. I turned to see Taeyong holding a stopwatch.

"Ah. Now that our ref is here, Are you ready to begin?" Jaehyun asked.

I stared him up and down, aware that there was no way I'd be able to take a man of his stature down, at least not today. I had to come up with a strategy.

During one of our first matches, Jeno taught me that the best thing to do when fighting a new opponent is to let them attack first. That way, you can analyze their fighting style and act accordingly.

"You can tell a lot about a man from their first move. Not just whether they're fighting style is more defensive or offensive, but about their inner workings as well. A man who attacks without hesitance is rash and likely uses their appearance of strength as a coverup for their faults. A man who hesitates and overanalyzes his opponent is filled with doubt and anxieties. A man who employs weapons to distance himself from his opponent is the same man who would order his underlings to do his dirty work for him. A man who is able to use his opponent's strength against them is disciplined and goal oriented. This kind of fighter knows how to save his strength for more pressing matters. Attacking first will only inform your opponent of your weaknesses so it is best to let them reveal themself to you first. This will benefit you as you'll learn to gauge your opponent's abilities. Never jump headfirst into a pool you can't see the bottom of. You never know what dangers lurch underneath the surface."

Jeno's words eclipsed my thoughts.

What type of fighter would Jaehyun prove to be? You can learn a lot about a man from his first move, so what if the reverse was true? Would it possible to predict Jaehyun's moves based on what I already knew about him? With what little information I had, Jaehyun didn't seem like the type to act without a plan, but given that he was fighting against someone much less inexperienced, maybe that wouldn't be the case with me.

I looked at Jaehyun. I took notice of his smug features.

I was right. He expects to win quickly and easily and it's likely that will be the case.

This might be our first fight, but it would be stupid of me to take it any less seriously, but what if I could use that to my advantage.

It's our first fight so probably already anticipating what my first action will be. Perhaps he expects me to act rashly. No, that couldn't be the case. Jaehyun knows that Jeno and I have been working together and I know that he's already seen glimpses of my fighting style. He probably knows that I plan to let him strike first.

Not Broken. Jaehyun Mafia AuWhere stories live. Discover now