"What does it have to do with Adrien?" I ask before drawing another small sip.

"Ignore him, he worries too much," she waves her hand dismissively.

"Life is worrisome," I quote John Green.

"I'd drink to that," she raises her booze and we clink our glasses and imbibe.

A comfortable silence falls between us. As minutes pass by, I follow her gaze, fixed on Dylan and Amanda who are standing together. She's giggling at something he has said.

Arianna notices and whispers, "They've been fuck buddies since they found out what sex is,"

My mouth forms an O. Not knowing what to say to that, I nod.

She looks at me, a smile breaking out on her face, "They're like no strings attached," she adds, observing me.

"But how's that possible?" I wonder.

No matter the control over your emotions, after sharing so many intimate moments, isn't it impossible to not grow feelings for the other one?

"Their personalities don't match. They tried dating, but didn't work out, so they stayed 'friends with benefits'," she air quotes the last part and takes a sip from her drink. And adds, "You know, to scratch the itch," I scrunch up my face and she giggles, "what?"

I shrug, "It can't be literal,"

Her eyebrows shoot up as she stares at me, "It is! Just like when you see a hot guy and think, damn, I wanna touch him and sleep with him," she explains, a smile playing on her lips.

"I don't think that's a thing either. I mean... it's probably something writers have invented just to take forth a romantic story," I reason.

Actually, sex is overrated, but mostly disagree for unknown reasons. I still cannot understand what's the big deal about it.

"Okay," she nods, trying to hold back a grin. "Yeah, that could be too," she keeps nodding and takes another sip from her drink.

She doesn't get the chance to continue, nor can I ask what she meant by that as Jeffry approaches us with a smug smile.

"What are you two up to? Seems you're the only ones who are having fun," his gaze travels from my head to toe, making me shift uncomfortably. I look down at the wine, wishing I would somehow disappear from his sight.

"Chatting, like everyone else," Arianna replies with a straight face, emphasizing on everyone.

He squares his shoulders and opens his mouth to speak. Before a word tumbles out, Rebecca's loud voice puts an end to the chatters and calls everyone's attention to herself.

"Who's up for some real music?" she asks, beaming.

I furrow my brows, real music? Since when did we have fake music?

Rebecca points her glass in Adrien's direction. His expression shifts into cold indifference as he stares at her. "When did you last played and sang for us? I miss it, I'm sure everybody does too. How about the band gets together like old times," she pauses. And looks at Arianna, and continues, "and Ri can record it if she wants, for her YouTube channel, what do you say?"

Adrien shakes his head, "No, the old things should stay in the past,"

"Ah, c'mon man. We have guitars and everything." Calvin persuades.

"It'll be fun Adi," Tina drawls, and Olivia chimes in.

"Who knows when we'll meet again, don't be a bummer," Amanda whines and then turns to Dylan, "I'm sure you wouldn't mind playing either,"

Acumen: Riddling LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz