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Jiwon stood up and said "I'll be going now boys Y/N might me and I'll inform her about your love for her." "No no Jiwon ." i said panicking

"Don't worry lover boy I'll leave the confessing part for you." she said giggling and walked away.

"Amazing connections." Jimin said looking at me. "Yeah I guess I'll be meeting her more often then." I said smirking.

We saw the boys coming towards and sat beside us "We're really sorry Tae for before we shouldn't have blamed you." they said "It's alright."

Party soon ended and I saw Y/N with her friends for the rest of the night. I saw her waiting for someone with her friends at the college gates.

After sometime her friends left and she was still there standing on the street with a red side slit dress hugging her waist so gently. She looked so beautiful, so charismatic.

I went towards her when I saw a car pull up and guy was sitting inside. 'Is he her boyfriend.' I couldn't help but think she looked so happy with him.

I felt presence behind me knowing it were the boys I kept looking at her and soon they faded from our sight.

"Her boyfriend is handsome" Hoseok said chuckling. "Yah! hyung!" i exclaimed. "What! we don't really know if it was her boyfriend or any other friend."he said

"But he looked younger than her."Namjoon pointed out. "Might be her brother. Didn't Jungkook mentioned earlier about her having a younger brother."Yoongi added.

"Maybe."I said pouting. "Is everyone this good looking in her family."Jin said and we all looked over at him. "Of course not more than me."he added.

All of us chuckling we made our way towards the car and went back home.

Your Pov

Yeonjun and I came back from college and made our way inside the house. For the whole ride back home I kept thinking about what had happened earlier.

'Why is it when Taehyung touched me I didn't seem to complaint and when the other guy did I felt nervous?'

Maybe I did over react earlier but also he didn't have any right to do something that time. I would've protected myself. But why do I like it that he seemed so overprotective for me.

Aish I don't know anymore but I'm still angry with him. It's better if I sleep now it's too much for me. I'm glad none of my family members asked me anything.

Next Morning
Waking up to the sound of alarm I groaned when I felt a heavy weight on me. I slowly opened my eyes just to be met with my brother on top of me wiggling.

"What the hell Yeonjun! get off of me!" I said and pushed him off me causing him to land on the floor.

"Aish Noona why would you do that. Anyways time to wake up mom's calling" he said brushing dirt off his and pants and went out of my room. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to have my breakfast.

After having breakfast I went back to my room.

Author's pov

Taehyung felt bad for what actually happened yesterday at the party so he decided to apologise.

He went to buy some fresh flowers and apologise to Y/N. Making his way to your house he pressed the doorbell and waited for you to open.

When suddenly someone else opened it making him confused. 'I thought she lived alone seems like it's her mum. Try and impress her Tae.' he thought.

"Yes son how may I help you?"Your mom asked him. "H-hello ma'am I'm Y/N's friend. Kim Taehyung." he said and bowed. "Ah come dear I'll call Y/N right now." she said and Taehyung nodded.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Not so interesting chapter but I hope you'll still like it

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Not so interesting chapter but I hope you'll still like it. Further chps have some drama. ;)

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