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it has been six days.

six days since the king released the order to find the killer and junhui still had absolutely no idea where to start. sure, junhui never expected this task to be easy but he thought that he would at least have some sort of start after six days.

but no. even after checking in with the other guards he sent out. aside from knowing that this killer wore red, none of them have found a shred of evidence. at this rate, junhui was going to lose his title and well.. he'll also have to say bye to his dreams of being a doctor.

this was bad, very bad.

walking out of the twelfth? (junhui doesn't even know anymore. he lost count some time ago) alleyway, the man let out a loud sigh. "i can't do this anymore..." he made note to send someone to guard the alleyway before trudging off.

he needed a break, he needed to talk to someone. surely there were clues right under his nose that he was missing. with only one place in mind, junhui rushed to mr nam's stall. the old man has probably at least heard something, the markets was the place all news and gossip traveled around.

once seeing the little stall, junhui dashed over, "hey!" he cried out, waving his hand "old man! i need your

as he moved closer, the man spotted another person standing at the stall. all junhui could see was a white back and the person lifting up plant after plant.


"that's chinese mugwort or ài cǎo. you roll it into sticks and then light one of the ends on fire. bring the lot end near your skin and it's good for your health."


"dried peonies. these are good for...

walking closer, junhui looked at the person. thin frame, deep black eyes, brown hair falling into a mullet.

"the pickpocketing man?"

jeonghan turned the key making the front door of the bakery lock with a satisfying click. he pulled it out and twirled it around on his index finger before tucking it in his pocket. "strong work today," he said out, patting both soonyoung and jihoon on the back.

soonyoung let out a tired yawn, causing jeonghan to laugh, "rest up, both of you. oh and soonyoung? make sure jihoon gets back safely. i'll see you boys tomorrow." ever since that one incident, jeonghan has ordered soonyoung to walk jihoon back. and as much as jihoon insists that he's fine, soonyoung's always there beside him.

"what about me?" soonyoung whined, "why is there no one there to make sure i get back safely?"

"oh i'm sure you'd manage." jeonghan said idly, not really caring. giving the soonyoung and jihoon a two finger salute, the man headed off in the opposite direction humming a little tune.

soonyoung let out a little chuckle before looping his arm through jihoon's. "let's go home, yeah?" jihoon cracked a small smile, nodding his head. the boy had been strangely quiet for the entire day, soonyoung could only assume that the whole ball thing was on his mind.

the ball was on his mind too, he needed to find minghao as soon as possible.

"are you plotting world domination or what?" soonyoung joked. jihoon looked scarily concentrated on his thoughts.

jihoon hummed, "maybe i am."

"when you're king of the world, don't forget about dear old soonyoung alright?" he said, playing along, "make me second in command."

"nah, that position's gonna go to seungcheol."

"how about third?"

"that one's gonna go to chan."

soonyoung grinned, "then fourth?"

jihoon paused before giving him a teasing smile, "i'm afraid jeonghan is taking that one."

"what?" soonyoung gasped, "you think of me lower than jeonghan?" he shook his head with fake disappointment, "is fifth in command even a thing?"

"i'm not sure, but if it is... i'll consider giving it to you."

soonyoung smiled once seeing jihoon relaxing. "don't worry about things too much jihoonie."

"what makes you think i'm worried?" jihoon frowned, "i'm not worried."

"aish... stop lying. is it the ball?" he asked. jihoon ignored him and continued walking. "the ball is just for fun, so don't-

"soonyoung, did you get an invitation?"

the silver haired boy stopped walking. he looked at jihoon and thought back to the card in his pocket. what if minghao stole it from someone? this might be their only chance in going to a ball whereas when i get back to reinwa, i can go to as many as i want.

but back in reinwa... will jihoon be there with me?

don't be selfish, soonyoung... but i want to be selfish this time.

jihoon looked at him and waited. swallowing soonyoung nodded, "yeah." he repeated the word with more confidence, "yeah, i did. i don't know how.. but i did." jihoon eyes widened, for a moment something glimmered in them.

"then," jihoon paused, "will you- are you willing to- to go to the ball with me?" he said. the boy wringed his fingers and waited anxiously for an answer. although his words were barely audible, they were loud and clear in soonyoung's ears.

so this was what he was so stressed about. soonyoung couldn't help but smile. the jihoon a few months ago would've never said those words. he wouldn't even bother going to the ball. soonyoung couldn't describe this feeling in his chest. proud? happy? admiration? maybe a little bit of all of them?

"jihoon i-


he stopped. if the king saw him, he would be undoubtedly screwed. the king would recognize him and then his secret would be out. jihoon would know. jeonghan would know. chan, seungcheol, everyone would know. how would jihoon feel? how would he react?

it's risky. it's too risky. i might lose everything. i might- soonyoung looked back at jihoon. jihoon who looked like he wanted to run away yet he was still standing there, waiting. jihoon, who is risking something for him, who wants to change, who is willing to walk out of him comfort zone, so why can't i risk something for a change?

"jihoon... you should've known that you didn't even have to ask." soonyoung smiled, "of course i'll go with you."

because seeing you smile is worth it.

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