cinquante et un

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it has been so long.

so long since he has felt the sun shine on his face, the grass under his feet, the wind blowing through his hair. he longed to feel the rain again, to go out and talk to people again.

he was tired of watching the flickering lights of the torches on the wall. he was tired of being stuck here. he was tired of being tired.

he wanted out but really just couldn't muster up enough energy. lying on his bed he often wondered to himself "how much as the place changed?"

"we"ll keep him here until his majesty decides what he wants to do with him. have fun watching over the newbie, junnie."

so it was junhui now... and a new person.

there was a jangle of chains and the slamming of a metal door that echoed through the darkness.

someone stifled a sigh, "well damn real cozy here, isn't it?"

"we're in the dungeons, junhui. what do you expect?" someone grumbled back. "remember, don't lose the keys. just stand here and make sure no ones doing anything suspicious looking."

"and do they get food or..."

there was a tired sigh, "yes they do. they get food scraps from the kitchen. with the exception of one who gets better stuff but you don't have to worry about that lucky one."

ah yes the lucky one. the special one.

"and how about the blankets and showers?"

"alright, enough with the jokes. i'm heading out now jun, have fun."

the sound of heavy footsteps got quieter and quieter until they faded out completely, leaving everything in a silence once again. silence. he was tired of that too.

should call out to junhui?

that wouldn't end well.

was he destined to stay here for the rest of his life?

maybe he was.

it wasn't until later that... night? day? (he couldn't tell from where he was) a quiet humming filled the silence. it was the nicest sounding thing he had heard in a while. not exactly a happy tune but it was nice.

almost familiar.

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