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"i would love to."

that's what he would have said if there weren't countless other problems. leaving for reinwa and actually restarting life there would cost big bucks. judging the fact that soonyoung had to work at the bakery since he was running out of money was a clear indicator that he didn't have lots of money.

and there was no way jihoon would leave without seungcheol and chan which would lead to another problem. would chan and seungcheol want to go? chan barely knows soonyoung and seungcheol has never even seen him. and would chan really want to leave his friends? what if they couldn't find the specific medication seungcheol needs in reinwa?

as much as jihoon would love to go and explore, it would feel awfully weird to leave with soonyoung. i mean it's not like they were a thing, the best you could call the two were friends. why was soonyoung doing so much for him in the first place?

"i can't." jihoon responded bluntly. soonyoung's face visibly fell. "i'm sure you know that moving from kingdom to kingdom isn't as simple as that. reinwa for sure sounds like a much better place but i think it's best for me to stay put."

chuckling weakly jihoon tried to lighten the mood, "i mean, i can't just leave jeonghan here all by himself. he'd probably die from loneliness."

soonyoung laughed his usual cheery laugh, "i wasn't really expecting anything different really. you're right, moving is not as easy as it sounds. that question was pretty sudden, sorry jihoonie."

jihoon didn't like the mood hanging around at all. soonyoung was laughing everything off like the question didn't mean much to him but jihoon could tell that he was really hoping for a different answer. he didn't like soonyoung masking his emotions like that, it was too fake.

tsking, jihoon shoved soonyoung into the water. the silver haired boy was definitely not expecting jihoon to suddenly shove him forward. he flailed his arms hoping that maybe he could grab onto something or someone but jihoon quickly scooted out of soonyoung's reach.

sputtering, soonyoung lifted himself up from the water and turned to look at jihoon who was sitting dry on the grass with a smug smile on his face. "what was that for!" the boy coughed out, pushing back his, now wet, hair.

"i just felt like it." jihoon said with a small giggle.

"my pants are soaked.. and my shirt too.." soonyoung's black shirt was indeed soaked along with his now dark grey pants. "and.." soonyoung winced when he touched the side of his head. "ugh that hurts.." jihoon's smile immediately dropped, did he hurt soonyoung?

"what happened?" he asked, worry laced in his voice.

"my head hit one of the rocks but don't worry, it's not too bad." jihoon narrowed his eyes at soonyoung who was obviously lying.

"stop lying, come over here." jihoon walked to the edge of the water and held out a hand for soonyoung to grab. eyes glinting with mischief, the boy splashed over but instead of climbing out, he quickly yanked jihoon down into the water.



the boys fell into the water, jihoon sprawled on top of soonyoung.

scrunching his face, jihoon wiped the water droplets off his face and glared at soonyoung beneath him. although he was furious that soonyoung pulled him into the water he still turned soonyoung's head to check if there actually was an injury.

and won't you look at that. aside from being wet, soonyoung's head was completely fine, not a single bump or bruise in sight. "of course you're fine." jihoon gritted out. he was pissed off at soonyoung but also at himself. if only he weren't so gullible...

"you're so adorable jihoonie," soonyoung said, poking at jihoon's arms, "you look like a wet kitten." after seeing jihoon's expression, he stopped is poking, "jihoonie! i mean jihoon! don't kill me, i'm sorry, i'm sorry! i'm-

"soonyoung. i really think you're pushing these days." he said darkly. the boy slid off of soonyoung's lap and splashed water into his face before clambering back onto the grass. feeling unsatisfied, jihoon kicked more water in soonyoung's direction.

soonyoung's voice reached an impressively high pitch making jihoon snort. "take this!" soonyoung forcefully flung water onto the grass, making jihoon dash backwards.

"don't you dare soonyoung. if you do that again i'll-


"-end you."

jihoon shivered, water was not a good idea. especially since the sun was going down. what if he got sick? oh god, that would be horrible. soonyoung quickly pulled himself out of the water. "sorry about pulling you into the water jihoon. we should head back before you catch a cold."

"sorry about pushing you." jihoon murmured as the two put their shoes back on. soonyoung laughed.

"don't apologize, it's nice seeing you have a little fun."

oh the power of kwon soonyoung's words. a short sentence like that sent jihoon's heart thudding a little too fast for his liking. "w-whatever. here's you jacket, you should wear it on the way back."

"no way, you're gonna wear it on the way back. i can see you shivering from here."

"you're soaked and it's your jacket so you're wearing it."

"so? you're soaked too!"

"well, you're shivering also!"

jihoon threw the jacket to soonyoung who kept tossing it back. "just take your jacket! i don't want it."

"i don't want it either."

jihoon looked irritably at soonyoung. "look jihoon, consider wearing this jacket as a thank you for all the things you've done for me in the past." grumbling, the boy begrudgingly draped the jacket over top.


nodding happily, soonyoung rushed forward while singing, "come on jihoon, catch me if you can!" shaking his head with a smile, the other jogged after the sound of soonyoung's voice once again.

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