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jihoon walked back to the bakery. showing soonyoung around didn't take as long as he expected it would so he thought why not go back to the bakery to keep jeonghan some company and maybe help him bake a few more treats.

soonyoung was no longer with him because he said that something particular in the market caught his eye. before jihoon could even ask what, the boy hurried into the crowd. jihoon was quite curious what the object was and hoped that soonyoung would tell him the next time they meet.

"hey jeonghan," jihoon said as he walked into the bakery.

"looks who's back?" the man behind the counter grinned at him. "how was the date? i'm guessing it went well since you don't have your usual resting bitch face."

"i came back to keep you company and help you and this is how what you say to me?" jihoon grumbled, "and it wasn't anything, all i did was show him around." he added in a quieter voice.

jeonghan looked at jihoon with amusement. it was a rare sight to see jihoon this happy, jeonghan almost wanted him to return back to the regular lee jihoon. "i've decided something." he suddenly said. "i'm allowing soonyoung to pull you from work if he wants."

"what?!" jihoon looked at jeonghan with a short of shock on his face.

"yup, but don't worry. i won't let him take you away everyday. i don't think that you noticed but.." jeonghan pointed at his own lips. "your lips were curved upwards when you came in."

"so?" said jihoon,still not getting the point.

"all you do is work, work and more work." jeonghan huffed impatiently, "you need to go out there and have more fun. that's why i'm doing this."

"but i have things to worry about like taking care of two other people-

"stop!" jeonghan held up his hand. "i can't believe you're arguing with me when i'm giving you more time to rest. if you're sane, then just say 'thanks hannie! you're the best!' and shut up."

"i refuse."

jeonghan ignored his response. "sit down and help me think of a new recipe." he slid over a pad of paper and a pen. the baker grabbed the items and shot jeonghan a look.

"just so we're clear, i didn't-

"shh! you're distracting me from my baking. i almost forgot about the cake in the oven." the man quickly rushed over to the oven and pulled out a cake a little on the dark side.

"ugh, it's hot in here." jihoon fanned away the hot air that wafted out the oven only for it to be replaced by more hot air.

"that's because of me." jeonghan smirked at him and batted his eyelashes.

"yeah, 'cause you're a demon." the boy grabbed a chair and propped over the door letting cool air blow in to replace the air coming out of the oven.

jeonghan pouted and returned back to his work. he hummed while he leveled the cake. jihoon fell quiet too, concentrating on what kind of new treat people would like to eat. however nothing came into his head. the only things he seemed to think about were the things that happened earlier that day with soonyoung.

"han, do you have any-

both people jumped when they heard a loud crash coming from outside. hearing all the yelling and crashing, jihoon scrambled outside. his eyes widened at the mess not too far away in the market.

a stall selling swords knives was completely toppled with silver weapons scattered all around the street. an old man (jihoon assumed was the owner) was wailing over his collapsed stall and standing right beside was a cocky looking man dressed in beautiful, fine clothing.

a noble?

"what's a noble doing here?" jeonghan asked, showing up beside jihoon. the boy didn't respond and continued watching as the noble laughed at the fallen stall while holding his own sword. jihoon could only guess that the noble was the one who broke the stall.

sure, jihoon didn't like the people in the market but the old man didn't look like he did anything and the fact that some rich asshole came and destroyed his shop pissed the boy off.

nobody did anything. either they were too scared and just watched or they snickered at the poor man. "don't go ji." jeonghan said, gripping his shoulder tensely. he could tell that jeonghan was mad too. "there's nothing you can do."

out of the midst of people a sudden voice rang out. "you think you're so great after you knocked down that man's stall with your sword? well i don't think your sword skills are impressive at all."

everyone turned their heads in the direction of the sound... only to find a young boy glaring at the noble. behind the boy were two others trying to pull him away. jihoon inched closer to the chaos as the noble smirked at the boy. "are you saying that you can beat me?"

"any one of my friends can beat you." the boy sneered back.

jeonghan cursed. "ji, look, at that one." he pointed at one of the boys. "isn't... isn't... that chan?" jihoon gasped and looked closer. it was chan.

the noble leaned over the three boys and stared at chan who gulped. "then how about you?" he grinned. it was obvious that the noble picked the weakest looking one out of the three boys.

jihoon had enough. the noble was really getting on his nerves. there was no way he was going to let chan get hurt. breaking out of jeonghan's hold, he sprinted over standing in front of the three.

he glared at all three of them, especially the reckless one who spoke up.

the noble looked at him in surprise. "another peasant who thinks they can beat me?"

"no," jihoon said, staring at the man in the eyes. "these had no idea what they were talking about. they didn't mean it." jihoon turned around and tried pushing chan and his friends away but was stopped.

"you think i'll let you and those little worms leave?" the man hissed. "i don't care if he didn't mean it, i'm still going to crush that kid in front of everyone to show them how much of a loser he is."

jihoon narrowed his eyes, "just fuck off already. are you that desperate to prove that you can beat a scrawny kid?" jihoon let out a cold laugh, "and out of all the kids you choose the weakest looking one, seriously how pathetic are you?"

the bystanders whispered and some of them even laughed. the noble's face glowed red. "enough!" he roared, "know your place you peasant." seeing what was coming, jihoon picked up the nearest sword and held it in front of him blocking the blow from the noble.

the boy staggered backwards and fell on the ground. jihoon dropped the weapon, both arms shaking from the force. chan watched in horror as the noble laughed maliciously and lunged forward...


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