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after a few days, jihoon could no longer brush that feeling off as just his imagination. he knew that there was someone watching him and it was really putting him on edge. he couldn't help but question everybody. from the commoners that pass by jeonghan's bakery to the sketchy people who loitered by the alleyways.

every time he walked by someone and managed to catch their eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if the person was the one all along. it made him feel like he was unwillingly acting on a stage with someone watching his every move.

and although he told no one about it, everyone could sense change in jihoon. seungcheol and chan both caught on with jihoon's restlessness and started to notice changes in jihoon's sleeping patterns.

instead of straight passing out as soon as he got home from work, jihoon would lie in bed staring at the ceiling jumping at every little noise. thinking that this feeling of being watched would wear off soon, jihoon insisted to both of them that he was fine.

even at the bakery there were some obvious changes anyone would notice. their usual light conversations would often get cut off by jihoon who would always suddenly stop his sentence and look outside as if he was looking for someone. both boys didn't question it but were very worried and it was clear that if this strange behaviour continued for any longer, they would pull the answer out of jihoon (using force if needed).

"over here is our back room," jihoon said after pulling soonyoung into the room. after soonyoung was hired, jeonghan insisted jihoon to show soonyoung the gist of things. and surprisingly, jihoon didn't complain. after all, standing in one spot while baking was... unnerving.

"this is where we keep all out ingredients and everything that we can't fit out there.." jihoon gestured back out the door. "as you can see, we don't have too much stuff back here. that's because jeonghan likes using fresh ingredients. you'll probably have to go to the market lots to buy fruits and stuff." he looked back at soonyoung, who was staring at something on a high shelf. "glad you're paying attention." said jihoon flatly.

"huh? oh-" the boy laughed sheepishly, "sorry jihoonie but what is that?" soonyoung pointed at the high shelf. moving closer, jihoon cracked a small smile. sitting on the very top shelf, covered in a thick layer of dust was a hideous ceramic shape as a pear. not only was it coloured with the ugliest greens and yellows, it also had a nasty looking face with a cigar between the lips.

"that's... another something jeonghan found at an antique shop. he wanted to place it on the front counter but thankfully i was able to convince him not to. can't imagine how many customers he would lose... like i said everything that doesn't make it out there, gets shoved in here. don't be surprised if you find another ugly decoration in here."

soonyoung laughed. "what's with jeonghan and old stuff?"

jihoon led soonyoung back out of the room and muttered, "i don't even know."

"done with the introduction yet?" jeonghan called out as the boys walked out of the back room.

jihoon pursed his lips. "right. the most important thing." pulling soonyoung over, he pointed at a paper hanging on the wall. "this changes everyday and it holds the list of things we have to make. it..."

pausing, jihoon eyed the window. there was that feeling again. "jihoonie? jihoon? what wrong?" soonyoung followed jihoon's gaze to the window.

jeonghan placed down his rolling pin. "come on jihoon, this has been going on for days now."

ripping his eyes away from the glass, he sighed. "i have no idea what your talking about."

"you know damn well what we're talking about. you're always freezing and pausing and just so.. so jumpy."

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