Twenty Four: Marching

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Polished white breastplates, red silks, light packing of only the most essential supplies one would need for battle.

Other equipment would be taken with the marching force to the unclaimed Wyldes and beyond. Wherever Baeleon could encounter DuVarick's soldiers.

Thain helped me buckle my armor securely in front of the mirror in my room. Spaudler leaned against a wall, talking softly to Nassir. Puko watched the room from the balcony where he could perch and preen his feathers. Schula sprawled on my bed, going through each item I would bring with me and surprisingly uninhibited by her armor.

"Do you need the jars with the black tops?" Schula asked.

"Those are salvs for burns. I know you fae heal quickly, but-"

"But still good to have. Got it." Schula rifled around a few more of my tings, the light clink of glasses and ceramics bumping each other as she looked.

"I did have that packed you know." I looked at her reflection in the mirror and she gave me a sly wink.

"I'll put it back, I'm just curious." And she started doing just that, her swift fingers wrapping each item in the cloth pouches and bags they belong in.

"Bored, more like it," Spaulder chuckled. "The younglings always fidget before a battle."

"I am over five hundred years old thank you," Schula huffed.

That only made Nassir, Spaulder, and Thain chuckle harder. Schula rolled her eyes and latched the buckle on my bag.

"You're all packed, Wren. I'm going downstairs to see if Wairen has anything tasty to eat." Schula flicked her long white hair over her shoulder and left, shooting me and only me a warm smile as she did.

"She doesn't take to teasing well," Thain said.

"I had noticed on our travels," Nassir mused.

Spaulder shrugged. "I cannot help it. She makes it too easy and her expressions are amusing."

I sighed and Thian fixed the last piece of armor over my bright red silks

"There," his low voice rumbled in my ear. "You're all ready."

He patted my back, and his thumb brushed against the chain on the back of my neck. He met my eyes in the mirror and gave me the slightest smile as I blushed.

I walked to the bed to grab my small bag, still larger than any of the others here. Spaulder didn't even carry anything with him. He wore a scarleet tunic that Schula had found him on Pearl street and the loose pants in the Sulls style that we had brought with us.

"How far before we find conflict?" I asked.

"I would be surprised if we go more than a few days without it," Thain answered.

"What of the chain of command?" Spaulder asked. "Do we fight as warriors or do we fight as soldiers the way the humans do?"

Thain's eyes narrowed slightly at Spaulder. "If I knew what you truly were, Spaulder, I would have an answer for you."

That amused Spaulder greatly, and he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his massive chest. "Soon, dark one."

Nassir cleared his throat, hiding his amusement. "Unless the tactics of fae warfare have deviated greatly in my... time away from court, I believe the king will call only general commands to us. He will likely have a small number of directly commanded units, but the greater bulk of a fae army is typically as chaotic as we are."

Spaulder cracked a toothy grin. "Good."

Footsteps racing up the stairs had all of us turning to the door as Schula burst in.

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