Thirteen: Luncheon on the Estate

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The fabric of my dress swirled around my legs in a satisfying swish. It brought back memories of things Schula had me wear in Thanantholl. Feelings I hadn't had in months. Places and dinners and music that just might bring me to tears if I dwelled on them for too long.

Things I wanted in my life again.

But for all the stress ahead of me, I enjoyed walking side by side with Thain. The trees of the orchards rustled and played in the wind as we followed the path under them.

"Thain!" Eberon was walking toward us, adjusting the wrist buttons on his fine white shirt. "Wren. There you two are."

"Yes, we're here," Thian said. "Is it time?"

Eberon raised an eyebrow, looking us up and down as we met with him and started walking back to the main buildings with him. "I see my mother got her claws into you."

I took a fistful of the skirts in each hand and fanned out the fabric I was wearing. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes, it's lovely, Wren," Eberon answered politely. "It's Thain I'm more worried about. I hope my mother was... appropriate, at all times?"

Thain chuckled darkly. "She was as well behaved as always."

Eberon rolled his eyes. "I wish I could say I'm surprised."

I tried to hide my smile behind a cough. "Um, Eberon, where is this lunch being held?"

"Ah, right," he said. "Did you see the pavilion tents set up across from the front garden? We have a simple meal laid out right now, all things considered. But the meal won't really be the focus today. I'm sure we're in for quite a few questions."

I sighed. "I hoped you wouldn't say that."

"What hesitations do they even still have?" Thain asked.

"You know how the lords can be," Eberon said. "You would think the testimonies of Thain and Eberon of Baeleon's chosen court would be enough, but they still demand more. Ah, here we are."

In front of the main house and surrounded by artfully grown beds of zinnias stood a bold red canvas pavilion. Under the shade, I could see tables laden with a feast. Hardly the simple meal Eberon had promised. Tables were set up in two long rows that faced each other. The perfect setup for debating, and already half-filled with curious fae who watched our approach as they whispered to each other.

"I should have kept my black shirt," Thain muttered under his breath.

"I'm sure Mother would have been happy to remove it herself if you'd tried," Eberon sighed. "Let's get you two seated and I'll find the others."

Looking around, I didn't see Schula, Spaulder, or Nassir yet. My mouth dried. I didn't like crowds anyway, and I definitely wasn't looking forward to answering to one by myself.

Thain leaned down, murmuring in my ear. "I'm right here with you."

"Thank you," I breathed, and we took our first steps under the shade of the pavilion.

Eyes of all kinds were on us. Appearances that, for the most part, displayed the full bloom of the Autumn court. A few curious Spring court fae were present, and only a couple of Summer ones. After meeting Aithne and hearing her court's perspective on the matter, I wasn't surprised.

Eberon went first, walking directly for an area of empty seats that were watched over by a sleight, whispy sprite in the coattails of the estate's servants. She pulled three chairs out for us to use and once we were seated she asked our preference for the food available and hurried off to get us plates.

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