Twenty Three: Tea and Honey

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Movement stirred me awake. I opened my eyes to see Wairen setting a tray down on the bed, raising a finger to their lips as to say 'stay quiet'. 

I opened my eyes wider, remembering just where it was that I fell asleep. Thain's bed was big, soft, and warm. At some point, the blankets had been placed over me as I slept. And next to the bed, still in the armchair, was a rare sight indeed. 

Thain was fast asleep, his head lulled to the side in the most vulnerable position I had ever seen him in. Even when we had to camp on the road he wasn't this relaxed. His chest rose and fell softly in sleep.

I bit my lower lip, almost reaching out to wake him but stopping short. If he was this tired he probably needed it. I began to draw back when Thain's hand reached out and quickly grabbed mine. 

It startled me and I took in a sharp breath at first. When Thain opened his eyes he grunted, then his sight fell down to our hands. His hand around my wrist, to be precise.

He dropped it immediately. "Sorry, I... you startled me."

A grin played on my lips. "Always the alert warrior, even in your sleep."

A ghost of a smile fell on his lips as well and I sat up in the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked, stretching.

Thain stood from his seat, moving the chair back where it usually sat by the wardrobe. When I stretched my legs, my foot bumped the tray Wairen had left us.

I pulled my leg back and pulled the tray closer. 

"It can't be that late," Thain commented. "If it's still morning tea and honey tarts."

Yawning, I looked to the balcony.

The light outside his balcony door told me it was daytime but cloudy, possibly drizzling outside considering the rainy nature of Thanantholl. I hoped Puko was somewhere dry, possibly back downstairs in my room. 

"I should go see if we have any messages from the king," Thain said, grabbing a tart form the tray and walking to his wardrobe. 

I pulled a cup of tea to my lips, the warmth comforting in my hands and the mild flavors rolling down my tongue. I smiled, Wairen still remembered my favorite kind.

Picking up a tart, I glanced over to see Thain moving behind an open door of the wardrobe. The top of his head and his fee were all I could see from the bed, and when a pair of breeches fell to the floor I blushed and turned away.

My tea, focus on my tea.

A moment later, Thain stepped out in a fresh set of clothing. All black, of course, but in his hands was a brilliant red shirt that he tucked into his belt for later.

"I'll be right back up, you eat breakfast," Thain said.

"Okay," I replied, and he left through the door.

With a sigh, I laid back against the headboard of the bed. Now alone, my cheeks flushed at the idea that I had fallen asleep here, and still I lay where Thain should have slept. My eyes flickered to the armchair he spent his rest in.

Moving the covers off of me, I took my cup of tea and my honey tart and walked barefoot to the char. Curling up in it, I sipped my tea slowly and ate my tart in a few quick bites. I hadn't realized how much I missed Wairen's pastries. 

When the door opened again, Thain looked at the bed puzzled before looking around and finding my new seat. He smiled, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, facing me.

"We leave at dawn. The rest of the day is ours to prepare," Thain said softly.

"I should pack then," I murmured.

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