Twenty Six: Flaming Skies

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The guard sent to retrieve us stopped at Thain and Eberon's tent as well. The pair of them drew attention already, added to myself, Schula, and Spaulder, we were a beacon in the camp.

Schula stuck her head into the tent to say something to Nassir, and I could hear the both of them laughing at what I can only assume was the event that was about to occur.

I reached over to hold Spaulder's large hand and looked up at him, his face pensive and not really looking at anything around him so much as looking nowhere and reflecting inward.

"Spaulder," I caught his attention. "You okay?"

Life sparked in his eyes as he looked at me warmly. He gave me a small smile, squeezing my hand in return. "I am fine, little one. Just collecting myself."

I nodded, then felt the air around me. My fingertips itching as I went to gather the magic around me as if I was going to summon flame. It was all being sucked toward Spaulder, he was probably going to be able to shift into his true form soon.

Schula pulled her head from Thain and Eberon's tent and beamed at the guard. "Okay, ready."

The guard, wearing an increasingly concerned expression with every important fae he gathered for the king, barely had it in him to nod and lead us to the large tent only a short reach away.

The fire outside of Baeleon's tent crackled, illuminating the faces of the many guards that surrounded the tent of the Autumn king. If I had to waget a guess, I would say it was more for their comfort than his. Baeleon struck me as a being who needed protection from very little in the Wyldes.

My eyes darted next to me to the biggest shape among us. His proud chin high and his golden eyes smoldering as he stared into the tent ahead.

Movement in the tent drew my eyes forward again as a big hand threw the canvas flap open from inside.

Eyes that blazed like the Autumn sun raked over the group. Thain, to Eberon, to Schula and I, and then they settled on Spaulder.

"So, you aren't all dead." Baeleon stiffened for a moment, locking eyes with Spaulder and then stepping out of the tent. Every muscle on his hard chest was tense, his trident in hand, gleaming in the glow of the firelight.

Spaulder stepped in front of us, the subtle motion of his hands as he moved his body wide to put himself between us and Baeleon.

"I did not know any would know me in this form," Spaulder said calmly.

Thain, for his part, wore a blank expression as he watched the scene play out before him. Eberon on the other hand, was wide eyed and watchful.

Baeleon's guards were much less calm about it. Reacting to Baeleon's tension, we were soon surrounded by twenty spears leveled at Spaulder's heart. He seemed much less concerned than the rest of us.

My fingers itched, and Schula's icy hand clapped down on my wrist, coating my hand in a thin glacial layer.

"Don't," she whispered, not taking her eyes off of Spaulder and Baeleon.

I glanced down. I had begun burning, the ice was already half melted off.

"Sorry," I whispered, putting out my hand.

And then, we watched.

What finally broke the silence around us was Spaulder. A gentle rumble from his chest as he chuckled, ending in a long sigh. I swallowed and my ears popped from a pressure that had been building in the air without my notice.

"I am Spaulder. Triquetram of Wren the Wylde Witch and Schula the ice fae. If you want them in your squabble with the Winter court, you'll have me on the field as well."

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