'It was fun plus I want to spend time with you. Doing something you enjoy.' I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek, again. His arms looped around my waist as he kissed my nose. We stood there for a few minutes just looking at each other. When I think of Jesse, I want to remember him like this. I had to bit my lip to stop the tears. Jesse moved his hand to much check and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. I took a deep breath and gave him a reassuring smile.

'What do you want for breakfast? I'll make you anything.' He smiled at me. I took a moment to think.

'Pancakes with strawberries and cream. Please.' I said batting my long lashes at him. He chuckled and lead me to the kitchen. My hand in his. He sat me on the counter then started looking around for something. He disappeared to look in the pantary, he returned a few minutes later carrying all the ingrediants. He placed them all on the worksurface opposite me, so I couldn't see him. He started adding all the ingrediant together.

'I didn't you you could cook.' I muttered when he finnished making them and put the plate infront of me. It looked so nice, smelt even better. I bet it tasted even better. My mouth watered as I looked at it. I took a forkful with strawberries, cream and pancake on it. I was right it did taste better.

'Wow, I didn't know you cook ... such amazing food.' I was truely amazed at his cooking skills. I can't cook. I'm terriable. I once gave me and mum food posioning ... from brownies I made. I chuckled thinking back. I looked up to see Jesse's eyevrows raised.

'Oh, so a rich boy can't cook?' He faked pouted at me.I grabbed the bottle of squirty cream and squirted it on to his face. He stood still for a moment whilst I had a giggling fit.

'Oh. Your gunna pay.' He grabbed the squirty cream. I stood up and ran, Jesse on my tail. I ran into the dinning room. We darted around the table. I was stuck at one end of the table, Jesse at the other end of the table. I decided to make a run for it. Bad move. He caught me by my waist pulling me into him. He spun me around so I was facing him, he leaned in. He puckered his lips and pulled me close. I could feel his breath on mine, the next thing I knew I had a face full of cream. Jesse let go of me, he bent over laughing. His musical chuckle filling the room. I whipped the cream of my face and styled Jesse hair using it as gel.

'Your asking for it.' He pinned me down, he straddled my waist, taking most of his weight off me. I couldn't escape.

We got into trouble when Christopher saw the state of the dinning room and kitchen. There was cream everywere. And I mean everywere. We used four bottles of squirty cream, attacking each other. We had to clean the kitchen then ourselves.

I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. I looked a mess. Cream all over me. I got another quick shower. Then I got ready to go to the pool to watch Jesse.

'Hey Bubba.' Jesse called across the pool to his coach. Bubba was talking to a thin woman. Her hair in a low ponytail. She wore a white shirt and a high waist, grey pencil skirt. She smiled at Jesse then looked at me. I felt a little intimidated.

'Ah, Jesse. Just the man, and I see you brought Eden with you,' Bubba smiled at me. 'So does this mean you'll be focased on swimming and not your sweetheart.' Bubba chuckled. I looked at Jesse who was blushing. He's so cute.

'Thanks Bubba.' Jesse said with a smile scowl.

'Jesse Bolton. Nice to meet you, my name is Alana Hill-' She introduced herself.

'Your the scout from Princeston.' His face lit up as he said it. She smiled and nodded. She looked at her watch and then looked at us.

'Well I have to go. I'll see you tonight at the compotition.' She said walking away. I looked over at Jesse who was taking his shirt and sweat pants off. Don't worry he had his swimming shorts (speedos!) on underneath.

My life with the Bolton BoysWhere stories live. Discover now