"Oh hey! I was actually just going to come get you- we're going to watch some films and I made some tea. Would you like to join us?" He asks sweetly, making my smile reach from ear to ear and nod.

I love movies, and the tea is a plus.

I join them on the couch, but feel a little out of place- a third wheel feeling. They're all cuddled up in a blanket and I'm alone on the opposite side.

The feeling quickly faded as the film began playing. I got comfortable with my blanket and tea, when suddenly the doorbell rings.

All three of us groan, and luckily Louis gets up so Eleanor and I can stay in our seats.

"Yeah mate, come on in! We're watching 21 Jump Street. It's quite funny." He informs the person standing at the door, which I have no idea who it is, and chuckles before letting the person in.

"Sounds great." He has a Australian accent, strange. Usually people around here have British accents.

Louis walks into the room with a much taller, much broader man trailing behind him.

He wore black skinny jeans and a shirt that said 'You Complete Me'.

Once he realized my existence he smiled and strolled over to me without any hesitation. He sat down right next to me, making me surprised at how comfortable he was with a complete stranger.

"Hi." He grinned at me, showing off his teeth and making me notice a lip ring on his bottom lip. "I'm Luke." He extends his hand and waits for me to take it.

"Hi." I hesitate at first, but chuckle and return his friendly smile. "Jules." I respond and reach out my hand, grasping and shaking it.

"Lovely name." He replies pulling away and directing his gaze to the screen.

Luke and I talked throughout almost the entire movie. Normally I hate it when people talk through movies, but it didn't matter because Louis and El were sound asleep in each others arms on the other side of the couch.

"Cute couple, huh?" He says with a tone of playfulness in his voice, making me nod in agreement.

"They've been together for longer than I've known them, it makes me happy, you know? To see good things happen in this world, even when horrible things are happening all around you. There's always happiness, sometimes it's just hard to find."

I let the words sink in, there's always happiness?

I chuckle before replying. "That was deep." He nods and also laughs in agreement

After the movie finished Luke and I got up and went to the kitchen to eat something, and talked again for a long time about the most random things we could think of.

He was actually quite nice, something that seemed hard to come by recently. It was nice to have another friend, someone to act normal and laugh with- being myself. It was refreshing, even though I could do that with El.

There was something about Luke, he made me feel happy. He reminded me of my friends back home- they always knew exactly what to say to cheer me up.

I came here tonight in a horrible mood, but it's already changed in such a short amount of time.

He's in the middle of telling me a story when the grandfather clock in the other room chimes twelve times, indicating it's midnight.

"Oh wow, twelve already? I guess time flys when you're having fun." He gushes, making us both laugh.

"I'm going to have to get going, I have some things I'm going to need to do in the morning. It was nice meeting you." He grins widely at me and I return it.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now